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So I got up today and did a full day and managed to get the progress video from 6 minutes to 18. it's nearly finished except for finishing half of 1 scene and then doing the extended one. Progress patrons can view it now in the folder. Contains a guest appearance too.

I also uploaded both Valia and Lady Alisandra Montaigne's bios to the bio folder. Enjoy. They contain some spoilers if you can figure them out. ;-)



How do I view it i don’t where your your folder is plz help


Progress folder is available for $10 patrons and above and can be found on my overview page. The character bios also can be found on my overview page. Any patron can read those. Come to think of it I should make them pinned posts. I'll do that now.


Thank you so much


any eta on release for HH 8


Always the same every month, release by 5th of the following month. So you will have HH8 by 5th February. :-)