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Happy new year everyone!!!

Hope everyone enjoys the new year and enjoyed the new years eve celebrations?! What did you all get up to?

My new years eve involved shopping in the morning, Gym with the girlfriend (cardio session (653 calories burned 45 minutes on the crosstrainer), then further cardio session in the bedroom, shower, browsed /fit/ and the torment of dining with her parents and brother at an Indian Restaurant, (I had Chicken Naga and Garlic Fried Rice with Garlic Naan). Then I came back, finished the last scene of Happy Honeymoon 7 and went to sleep. I don't drink or smoke so I didn't go out and get pissed.

Release will be 5th as usual if all goes well.

- Icarus.


Andrew Rowe

Happy New Year, Icarus!


happy new year and honeymoon s 7 when is the series going to end .Also you should try carribean Indian food its a lot better in my opinion the curry is a lot better


happy Honeymoon ends at Happy Honeymoon 14. Yeah some of the carribean food can be quite spicy too, they use scotch bonnet chilli's in the cooking.


yes it is quite spicy thought you are use too it . only 7 more episode to go.ask for less spicy i guess thai food is very spicy to me

Naughty James

Happy New Year and keep up the good work that I am seeing on Twitter