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Writing to wish everyone a happy new year. I just heard the fireworks going off over here so for those in different timezones you'll soon be having your own celebrations right?

Anyway as you all know, my videos, whilst of excellent storytelling quality aren't exactly as good as they could have been. So cue me taking out the 2 years worth of donations patrons have given me, taking that and buying a new rig. That and swallowing my pride and asking another creator for help, why not? End result is better videos, I show i'm not egocentric and I make someone feel happy for being asked for advice. Yay!

The previous quality was cartoonish to be honest [my S Virus 5 files are still on my old laptop so that one will be the last made in that type of quality]...I made some improvements with lighting in a previous post but now I've also replaced the body, face and skin textures with 4x quality textures! AND.....the lighting I use? I've decided to go for the paid version [version 5 over version 4] and well...

[Here is before picture no lighting at all, the cartoonish look we all know right?]

But give it 4x textures and the very best dynamic lighting and on the fly customisation and...

[Looks like one of those cliche movie scenes doesn't it? Staring off into the sunlight...]

That's not all though...I'm still experimenting with the lighting, textures and next step is I want to get HD environments for the models. Can't have high quality models with crap locations....

I just wanna say this, it's took me 2 years, from a grainy 1280 x 900 video [S Virus 1] with speech bubbles all over the place, cartoony models, crap music and porn sounds ripped and tacked over it. To what I hope is a far better quality of video. I couldn't ask for a better start to a new year...

And I have all you guys and girls to thank for it, yes I did some work but many of you stuck by me through those old quality videos, the video game debacle and now I'm here. You know I still remember Mira, the name of the patron who gave me my first $1...I remember ZaTsu and Dragonfire coming over from when we used to hangout on the Simbro page...I remember Terrible Fairy and Blacksheep Ovca starting after me and growing into the brilliant and well acclaimed artists they are today. I remember the support of other creators like Random Crow, Terebonkoff etc. The comments by Dante, Ari_Lolwut, Jpostel and James Dunn expressing support, the comments by Shas and Quickpawmaude that were always blunt and kept me from getting a big ego. I've seen creators like Simbro, Wootch, Sexums, The Breading Season Team, Nergal all rise and go....sometimes i wonder if say 40 years from now I'll be like the old dude in the corner at some party, some youngster showing off the latest Virtual Reality sex sim with incorporated smell-o-vision and I'll raise my glass of wine [none alchoholic], look to the stars out the window, wipe a tear from my eye and toast those who paved the way, the creators who never gave up, those that fell by the wayside and those that followed them and supported them.

See you space cowboys... ;-)
