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My fellow patrons, followers, supporters, detractors and random passers by....

Firstly I'd like to begin by saying that, since I started in March 2016, it's been brilliant, a roller-coaster ride where I have learned so much, about myself, others and about my skills in general.

In 2 years I've gone from 1280 x 800 videos with ripped porno sound tracks to 1920 x 1280 resolution HD videos with sound editing and, if you noticed in the Honeymoon series I have started to use after effects to create better lighting (with what I have anyway). But...as you know, as you have followed me for a while or maybe not. I'm not one to stay still forever, doing the same thing over and over again...that is why...The S Virus Episode 5 will be my last video (released on 5th January 2018)...

UNTIL March 5th 2018!!!!!!!

You guys were getting worried there weren't you? See that is what video production should be all about, the story and the ability to tug at the heartstrings, to lead an audience as they follow you down the imaginative journey of an artists mind. So...

After I release The S Virus on 5th January I will be TAKING 1 MONTH OFF! I understand if nearer the time you wish to unpledge, or to pause your pledge for a month. In fact I will post nearer the time as to how you pause your pledge to me. I don't think it right to get something for nothing for that month.

Now the reason...I'm not burned out or anything, the opposite in fact...I'm quite excited. Now my last post for patron only I detailed that I had been in contact with another creator using the same software as me, I reached out to them (and they shall remain nameless unless they wish me to divulge who they are) because I am not afraid to ask for help. They returned my message with the specification of their computer, giving me a baseline for what is required for the kind of high quality videos he/she is creating at the moment.

Yesterday, they sent me the names of all the software they use, including a few tips for smoothness, fast loading, avoiding memory overload etc etc. So I looked at a few rigs and settled on this one:


MORE powerful than the specifications given me by the other creator, but don't misunderstand me, I'm not competing, in fact I'm damn well happy that I reached out and they were kind enough to help me move forward in this. So I'm going to be taking a month off to do the following:

* Buy the new rig (with monitor, mouse, keyboard etc) - To this end I have placed a request for a withdrawal of funds to buy all of this, these being pretty much the money over 2 years that I have gotten from this site.
* Completely modify and learn the software - Did you know higher end computers can, with the same software i use access modifications such as dynamic lighting, weather, moving objects (e.g. cars etc)? There are even texture replacements to enable the models skin and limbs to be in 4K textures?
* Buy and learn the New Screen Recorder software, New Video Editing software, new cheat engine software that this creator uses.
* Watch and disseminate the creators videos to learn new techniques and possibly ask for tutelage, I'm not arrogant so I will ask for help to improve.
* Going for a whole new re-brand with new marketing ideas...

Hopefully then, after 1 month I will have improvements to show you. But don't worry I'm still the same old me and I'll still be producing futa stuff, just more improved :-)

That is why after The S Virus Episode 5 I will be having a month off.

Thank you for reading.

- Apo


Naughty James

You earn it my friend, lol I was following you on and off when I see you posting to Porn Hub but when I seen you had a Patreon Page, I had to support you and your work since you have a good eye and love that some of them can ssssmmmeeeeeeelllllllll another Futa near them and when they are in heat like a naughty kitty that they are, lol. So take your time off and get rested up, like Mike from MikeMaster and the few others that I support or follow, yea this is fun work, but at times they have to take a break from the fun of this way of life and then come back with new energy and ideas. The others that I have supported, sadly only a couple of them I held out as long as I could for them and hope they would return from their rest period and yet they never seemed to come back. So again take your break my friend and I see you when you come back to us.


i wonder who is the creator who helped you out i have a idea who