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So after the recent poll had a tie between the lovely heroic Emily getting another episode and another S Virus episode that hasn't been done for....oh months and months...I've decided to go with another episode of PC Emi...

Ha gotcha!

I've found that if I'm personally excited about a story or project I perform better and it gets a better reaction. The S Virus is a nice break for me, besides if you've watched the last episode of it from way back when you'll know I COULD futa-rise it if necessary. I may put a vote up for that....

Anyway some pics:

There is our lovely Jill, not quite where we left her but still....your favourite (well mine anyway) heroine looking quite nice...but wait a moment...eagle eyed viewers and those who saw the last video may spot something....

Oh dear....what's happened?!

This should be fun to make...

- Apo xx



The Comedian in me really wants to make a menstruation joke....but I won't because jokes about that are NOT funny. PERIOD! :-)