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Hello Everyone,

Firstly a BIG BIG welcome to all the new patrons! Glad to see new faces around here but I don't forget the oldies oh no no. You're all lovely charitable people and I love you all...well....to some degree anyway ;-)

So the results of the 2 polls are in and the results are:

NEXT VIDEO - PC Emily Episode 5!!!
Yep I finally get a break from Lana for a month, don't get me wrong I love our little blondes evil antics as much as all of you but there is only so much you can stare at an ass, trust me. So now we go onto exploring more of Emily.

KYRA'S JOB - So Kyra as part of the studies will be a BARTENDER in a downtown nightclub, expect many a scene there you know! We've all done stuff like that in clubs. I can tie that into the story easily enough and it is good that it is a midway point between Emily & Lana, in other words there is plenty of dark, seedy things about being a bartender than Lana (when they finally meet) can influence her towards, vice versa for Emily, a bartender can make people happy and listen to their troubles. What will Kyra do? Which way will she go?

Private Videos - Now I will be mainly concentrating on PC Emily Episode 5 but I do have a list of private videos I wish to make as well:

Adventures of a Voluptuous Vulcan (Working title, if you can come up with better let me know)- I have a Vulcan girl model, which I posted before from the Star Trek series, I want to make a video/s about her away missions as an ensign about a ship and her gradual corruption/resistance towards emotion contrary to the teachings of Surak, who made the Vulcans limit their emotions. A sort of moral and psychological connundrum as she discovers strange new life, to boldly fuck what no-one has fucked before, lol.

Cassandra Grows A Cock 2 - A sequel to Number 1, in this one I want Cassandra to further develop the formula and get up to all sorts of naughtyness with patrons of Zum Damenhaus, as well as staff!

My Faithful Wife - A standalone (or I might make it a series) film about a middleclass white couple who grew up as children together and eventually get married, they check into a hotel only for the husband to call the Hispanic housekeeper Isadora the futa/dickgirl racist names and bully her, for which she engineers the revenge of making her brother who works the bar keep the guy distracted and drunk while she inseminates the bride, happy honeymoon!

THIS POLL!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just wondering, how many of you would be interested if I made a downloadable folder with all the series character bio's with photos from tasteful all the way to dirty? Sort of you can read more details about the characters and see hot pictures of them? I was going to put it on the overview page, just for those that like my writing, want to see hot pics and/or want to know more about the characters and their background. [It will be updated from time to time]

Let me know.

- Apo


Naughty James

Yea I like when a creator takes the time to put things together that are like behind the sences or what the creator was thinking or working on and sometimes we might see a idea but it not in the game but later on in the game a drawing or idea shows up which is cool to to see


My reaction to the "my faithful wife" plot: <a href="https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/stop_penis_erect_archer.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/stop_penis_erect_archer.gif</a> ❤️


Ha Ha Ha! I thought it was a good plot myself. Strangely it came to me while I was watching a Latino dance video! :-)

Naughty James

Not yet, going to try to today, my ex-wife lost her dad during the week and this whole ending of the week and this weekend, I been helping her since her dad really didn't plan his funeral or what happens after he pass away, so she a adopted and only child to him, and sadly her dad and mom did the big D after she graduated from high school, so it a mess and trying to help her out as much even though there is no love there anymore


Dude, take some time off here and get things sorted. Seriously, put up a note on your pages that you will be away for however long you think you will need and sort that out first. It seems like way more a priority.