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Howdy y'all!  

As you all know, or should know. I don't like to stop still. As a creator that can be a really big no no! if you stick to old outdated concepts you can be left behind. Just look at how many creators have stopped using FLASH software and moved onto UNITY, and look at those that haven't.  So I have 2 skills updates for you...


Well as you can see from the below I have been learning a little more on Blender, I've now started the editing section and can now start to shape objects by 'grabbing' certain parts and stretching them. I'm going to continue learning so that I can shape things into what I want. I'll admit I left Blender alone for a while but the knowledge just came straight back to me upon starting again. Like riding a bike. 

2D Drawing (Anime & Manga Style)

So these arrived through my door this morning 15/10/2018 after I ordered them 2 days ago. I paid for express delivery and I paid in total around £80 for them. You might be tempted to say something negative like "that's almost £20 a book", "It's cartoons", "only fat neckbeards like anime" or "why spend that much on drawing books?".

Well here's the thing, it is a creative skill, there are people out there who make their living doing stuff like this, drawing. Hell Patreon itself is for artistic people. But for me, it's the long term goal, the long term thinking. Right now I have 3 things I want to learn:

2D Drawing (The anime books below)
3D Modelling & Animation (Blender Software)
Game Design & Programming (Unity & my Python/C# books)

Just 1 can bring in $, which invested properly (in myself and my skills) can then help me to learn more skills which, well you can see the snowball effect. All 3 of these mean the ability to create COMPLETELY. By which I mean nobody will pull something like running off halfway through a project leading it to bomb completely. I could create a 2D game with Anime Graphics, or even a 3D one.

That's really long term though. The reason I show this is because I am COMMITTED to LEARNING NEW SKILLS, for one reason...YOU.

Yes YOU reading this. Otherwise what would be the point of being on here? It's GOOD to know that the money donated is going to FURTHER SKILLS. It's a catch 22, the more MONEY someone makes, the more TIME they have, The more TIME I have, the more I can develop MY SKILLS FOR YOU, The more I get, the BETTER ART I can give. It's a cycle. Yet too many just see the $$ and get greedy, stop developing, release a crap product and just want the $$, not realising one basic fact:

'You can NEVER be successful by being a MISER', Henry Ford was a very generous guy, he brought automobiles to millions at an affordable price, allowing middle and lower class people to own their own car. He could not be rich, or successful unless he filled a want that people had, in other words he had to serve others. Everytime I invest in new skill books, I'm doing it so that I can serve more people. Doesn't matter to me what I want, it's what the market wants. When I started I wanted to make romantic movies (leave me alone, I grew up with Mum's Mills & Boon novels being the only books in the house, alongside the bible, the art of war and the prince) but I made a dickgirl video ('Russian Exchange Student') that got 15x the views of any other video, I soon changed to making dickgirl videos. My quality went up, my storywriting went up.

The $$ is NOT my priority, although I do appreciate the support. What is important to me is the TIME it affords me to buy these books, continue to learn. If I wanted $$ I'd just stop at making dickgirl vids & not bother to learn anything else, I'd have kept the £80 and probably spent it on some crap, rather than on SKILLS which I'll always have.


So What Do I do With Money?

Some of you may actually be wondering, does he walk the walk, or is he just a good salesperson (My first ever job was commission only sales you know!)? Now I work, I am employed, making these vids is self employment, I also have my investment side, investing in myself as I've said. Here is one of them...

Like I said, I don't smoke, drink, do drugs. Anything I have goes into investments, whether to bring me more money and more importantly therefore TIME, or to develop more SKILLS. That above is me lending to people who value $$ above SKILLS and TIME. I'm willing to lend them it because that £11 interest (per month) is TIME I've had free to develop, rather than chasing $$...and because I have SKILLS & TIME, I can profit from those just seeing the $$ signs as above. This is where donations go, not alcohol, not cigarettes, not snorting coke off a Country girls ass after a striptease.

Remember it's not 'Money is Time'...it's the other way around. I'm hoping I've given you a "HOLY S**T!" moment of realisation, or at the very least motivated you to go further in your goals, in your employment, or self employment, or your fitness or whatever. Because let's face it, If I didn't want to help and make people happy...I wouldn't have posted any of this would I?

- Apo.


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