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Oh my, seems episode 1 was a little too much for someone. In fairness most of the sensitive stuff was blackscreened out, specifically because I anticipated this.

Strange how my Sinners Redemption and Make America Great Again haven't been mentioned at all.

Have a gunshot sound behind a blackscreen and you're FLAGGED, but have an angel bumming the hell out of a priest is perfectly fine. Oh dear.

Ah well if they remove it I'll make a different video to put on there. Poor mites won't ever get Lana until episode 2 it seems.



Naughty James

WOW if they getting jumpy, and here I thought it was just patreon that likes to jump on naughty things when they see something naughty to whine about, lol


Like '1984' bro. But I've had an email saying that it contains 'restricted' content and so only certain countries will be able to view it.


It's hilarious because i made it and yet I cannot view it. If I log in it shows up but not before that. What is annoying is they've tagged it with the 'babysitter' category...MY Katya a babysitter? Ye Gods! :-)


pornhub has content restrictions?


Yep, in the terms and conditions of use. But like most sites it seems to turn a blind eye to most. Except me at the moment. Yay!