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As always I don't stand still, here is the new sweaty/oily look. I've also tried to put pores on the body and face as well as opposed to just having a solid pink colour in the shape of a human.

No points for guessing who that is by the way.

- Apo




That looks fantastic! The pores help a *lot*. Like, I'm amazed at how much of a difference they make. Shading seems a little better, too - are you using hook4 now?


Still using Hook 3 at the moment, this however is a far more HD skin texture than the usual ones. I used Hook 4 before but it killed my textures, making everything plain white and my framerate dropped to much and made animation jerky. After I've done the game I'll be free to experiment around with trying Hook 4, or maybe even Hook 5! That would be awesome.