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Just me pissing around and thought F**k it I'll do this.

Took a while to get the angle right, since most movies allow busts and bums to be shown I didn't censor it.

Whether or not I put it in game...I dunno should I?

Sorry for teasing, I know some of you don't like that but I like to show what I can do once in a while.





Just be careful there are people who report nudity, and then Patreon comes down and tells you to remove the images that are inappropriate. Even hiding it behind a Patron only flag doesn't save you.


Mine is listed as a NSFW page, my name itself has adult games in the title. If someone comes here and suddenly gets offended at the content they have thenselves to blame and from the standpoint of legality (we must remember i graduated with an LLB in law and then did another degree and attained an LLM in Law) any page containing such must be marked as such, common sense therefore that since mine is, and my name notwithstanding there is prima facie no liability occurred should somekne choose to report. Unless i am informed otherwise or find such in the terms and conditions of service. Hmm, and you love nerdy stuff well hows was that bud? :-)


I like to see it in game and should have a option for players that don't like nudity


I have seen a few adult games that have options in it