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I made a promise when I set out to my patrons but also to myself to go as far with creating as I could and always to keep improving. So here is what the last patron payment got me.

2 Books, I've downloaded Unity and my aim was to begin learning that as well as Blender. The book at the top teaches both the Unity engine as the code required for a C# program like Unity. 

Unfortunately the one on the bottom although it has a huge database of game code it is not C# but C++ (At first I hated to learn that as I was expecting it to help me with Unity), not all bad though as it is something else to learn and I know the Unreal Engine uses it.

Background is my leather sofa, no code or anything to learn from that.




And patterns should be useful anyway 😊


Já ég vil lærði. Ég vil gera mikill og sterkur med prógrammið tungumál. :-)