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Post here POSITIVE THINGS, or things you LIKE about the game, give me some niceness. Or even some IDEAS! 



Since I still haven't gotten around to playing your game, I have a couple things that could be ideas for you. 1: I don't know if you have the ability to go to hell or not, but it would be a pretty cool idea to have a place in hell where the Succubus's go to learn or practice, or hell even just hang out. Might be cool to meet up with some of her friends. 2: Maybe allow her to be bred, then have little mini demons floating around her home area. 3: Some kind of a bar, or casino that caters to Demons and fairy creatures. 4: Demon powers? Things that can effect people in the outside world. Maybe some kind of ray that is invisible to humans but it causes lust, or orgasms in the person you target with it. Maybe an aura that forces people to create an orgy that the PC can watch or join in on.


Idea 1: I was thinking that, a succubi high school. Idea 2: I flirted with the idea of her getting pregnant, the lore of my game is that all Succubi come from the 1st one: Lillian, thus that to happen would be a massive event. But yeah I could do. Idea 3: I may put that in Hell, good idea. Idea 4: Good idea, will have a think about what ones to do, mind control is very overrated though, it's kinda old hat now...I do however plan on making her learn new abilities.


That said I have just realised my succubi character is the youngest of them so far so...anyway do have a play. :-)


Good to hear that some of my ideas were beneficial. )))) As for demon powers check the lore on Succubi, they have some cool abilities. I personally wouldn't go mind control, more emotion influence. So the NPC acts in their own way to the situation. So at times things happen and the PC is like erm wtf just happened. )))) Pregnant demon is happy demon, you could set it so the more children she has, the more power she has in the real world. (IE: Offspring born from demon and human parentage grants control of the mortal world to the demon in question. So it is a way to gain ranks in the demon hierarchy.) You could also dome some demon curses.... Things that look like birth marks but allow the Succubi to influence the human in certain ways. (either giving the mortal minor demon powers, or granting the demon control of the mortal in certain ways.)


Ever thought of having a companion that you have to save?


I'm still extremely impressed by how much thought you've put into the lore of your world! I can't picture many other authors taking the time to research apocryphal scripture and occult languages just for the sake of their game :)


Wasn't just for the sake of the game, the occult, including the languages and rituals as well as the apocrypha for which I am named is hobby of mine. The books you can find in the library in game are ALL real and ALL are copies upon my shelf. There is a creator in here called Illuminati Games who is making a game about the illuminati, freemasons, the O.T.O. etc etc, I was his first patron and even offered to help him with the knowledge to get it as accurate as possible. As for succubi in the real world they are said, if you believe in the paranormal to occupy a frequency of vision and hearing which e cannot see or hear but upon which they can act. historically they were the descendant of Lillith a demon of whom rode atop Cain thereby creating the human race and solving the riddle of how two sons: Cain and Abel had children and created the human race. To get a hold of the actual apocryphal verses themselves is somewhat difficult, the Vatican notoriously editing or hiding them, or in years past destroying them as with the Gnostics and the Cathars and the Templars etc etc I do have however a copy from Archbishop Wake of the verses or at least as many as he wished to reveal. Anyway that's just my spare time hobby, I'm quite bookwormish and no more thing could induce mad desire in me than to know that which is hidden, to find something out or to devour knowledge itself. Of course the opposite is true, no more rage inducing a thing to me would be ignorance and stupidity. Everyone is different I suppose. If it helps just picture me as a mountain sage meditating. Helps to have an image sometimes. :-)