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I was informed last night via message, a very formal sounding message too, that I may be posting too much and the emails you are getting may be annoying.

I'll admit I didn't even think about that but looking at it, I get emails for every post and comment you guys make as well as the same on my other patreon page, so I can certainly see how it might be annoying. So I thought I would once again simply ask, after all you are the patrons.

If I post too much I'll scale it back to maybe 1-2 times a week and instead of posting new posts I'll update old ones.

Let me know.

- Apo



I don't see a problem with daily updates. On the other hand, once per day is probably enough, I suggest you edit the post if it's from the same day, unless it's a completely separate topic. About the mails, it's possible to configure that in the Patreon settings. It's global though, for all creators. Edit: I was wrong, that part isn't global, it can be configured for each creator separately. The global part is the emails about comments. Sorry!


Damn, that poll is quite close!