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Hi Sports Fans! 

So what I am currently working on as I write this is the first of many serious companion dialogues that you will have, the first one addresses an obvious issue for your companions.

As you are aware you are a succubus, part of that is you screw everything in sight or at least more so than the average human female, so I'm coding in conversations with Fives and Zoe. They will have noticed this and if certain conditions are met with them they are going to ask you about it. I'll be writing a couple of responses you can do.


EDIT: 23:35 11/08/2017 FIVES CONVERSATION FINISHED, outcomes are:

1) Fives leaves permanently

2) Fives stays as ordinary follower

3) Fives becomes more tolerant of you sleeping with other people and the potential for a relationship remains.

4) Fives becomes a fuck buddy but won't have a relationship with you.



Could we corrupt them so badly that they'll follow us blindly? Muhhhahaha, a certain sister would smile from.. ehh.. bellow? :P


Would that be the one you are obsessed with? Yeah I plan on eventually you can make SOME of your companions corrupted, whereas some of them will no longer follow you (or kill you) if you make the wrong decision or action. Makes the game more immersive that way. Not just followers as well, a big thing I plan on doing is being able to corrupt the mom and dad as well :-)