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Markellus is the devil lord of KNOWLEDGE, TIME & DEATH who occupies the library, not that Valia will know that herself until much later and if you make the right choices.

He is one of the 9, alongside Valia's mother Lillian who was thrown out of Heaven, subjugated the demons alongside the other 8 and created his own realm in hell.

He is a scholarly devil and thrives upon the pursuit of knowledge, he knows things long forgotten, in many modern, ancient and dead tongues. As one of the devil lords he is extremely powerful, though rarely uses his power unless he has a personal interest or knowledge can be gained or preserved by doing so.

When an angel, he was 1 of 2 angels who were the 2nd in command to the lead angel elected each term, he occupied the post of adviser to whomever occupied the throne and was to keep the angelic court in order, He was the angel of IGNORANCE, deliberately falsifying and concealing knowledge from the other angels to keep them in ignorance of things and therefore more docile and easy to be controlled. whilst the other 2nd in command of whom he was equal in positional power was the chief commander of the angelic armies.

Thrown out and stripped of the ability to control others he is rumoured to have found a way to gain the knowledge of the ability back, as well as other more ancient knowledge derived from places not even Xala would tread. Hence it is rumoured that in his wanderings he found the ability no mortal, demon, devil or angel possess, the ability to manipulate and understand time itself. Though IF he possesses this power and he has never demonstrated it, many wonder why he has not used it.

Scholarly actions and speech will impress him, idiotic or ignorant will not.

When making his theme tune I had to project:

* That he was once an angel.

* He is an ancient being.

* He is a fearsome, scary and powerful devil lord and yet classy, observing and scholarly.

How'd I do?



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