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Well, I get back from nightshift and wow! I'll be honest because of the sheer amount of stuff I coded in and the videos as well, i did expect some bugs. I've noted them from your comments and they will be worked on.

I think that is what will hold me in good stead, I may have the odd bug but I'll listen to you guys and what you want.

Sorry version 0.4 let you down, but are there ANY positives you guys like?

Well, I better get to work on sorting this!



don't worry about the bugs too much. That there are bugs in any new release is a given, and it's the same with all the other Patreon-based Games so far. You're not a professional developer and you don't have a big team, so we as patreons are the beta-testers. that's fine. The important thing is that you anticipate this kind of bug-deluge after every release and then produce a bugfix-release as soon as possible (24h or less).


My work schedule probably wont allow me to do 24 hours, luckily I have all of Monday off. Usually I note the bugs down and they are fixed for next release. I'll see what I can do quickly. So the BUGS are: 1) Hide fight screen when running from fights. 2) Re-Do Buttons again. 3) Remove Energy loss for 'Nothing there' events. 4) Write that PT means 'Personal Trainer' The rest is content rather than bugs so I can add the content requests in for next version. Right I'll get right on that. :-)