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Had a bit of a brainstorm and came up with this for the inclusion and personality of companions:

I hate sounding like Tumblr and I can't believe I am going to say this but...TRIGGER WARNING, contains very offensive none politically correct stuff:

FIVES HERNANDEZ (Alley) - A Hispanic mexican guy who escaped a hard life in Mexico, a harsh upbringing led him early to a life of crime and eventually a Mexican prison, after release he departed Mexico for a new life, using what was left of his criminal connections to secure entry into the country, he took up employment as a sort of bodyguard or security guy for hire.

Early on in his life his father walked out on him and his mother turned to drugs to survive, often witnessing his mother getting beaten and raped either by drug dealers or junkies, he eventually grew up to believe that everyone can turn on you and that to survive you have to take care of yourself, so when he was older he started working out and training with guns, eventually joining one of the mexican gangs which led to him being in prison. 

Likes: Strong Assertive Women, Guns, Working Out, Smoking, fighting, Forced Sex.

Dislikes: Alcohol, Drugs,  Fat People, Lazy People, Gay People, Black People, Futa People, Loud Music, Religious People & Mariachi Bands.

ZOE THE FUTA (Gym) - A very lively, excitable and bubbly girl who really has a great love for everyone, but is also a raving bisexual nymphomaniac who loves to stick her cock in men and women whenever she gets the chance. That said she is the type to hug you afterwards and slap your booty. She genuinly is somewhat cutesy and loving of everyone.

Although she has a humourous manner and frequently has pet names for people her early upbringing was one of being bullied and ostracised for being a futa girl, many times she cried whilst clutching her teddy, feeling all alone in the world, because of this she presents a humourous front but is very loving, accepting and somewhat clingy when someone happens along that is kind and affectionate to her, otherwise she will simply indulge others wishes either to be left alone or to try out the dickgirl.

Likes: Working Out, Sex with Men, Sex with Girls, Happy and Friendly people, being with people, making people happy.

Dislikes: People who hate Dickgirls and Forced Sex, other than that I don't think she minds anything.

MIKE (Home) - Your little brother, very shy and unsure of himself, he likes to shut himself away and play video games while ignoring the real world. Early on he developed skills in computer programming languages and hacking and a fondness for mountain dew. He likes to indulge his hobbies whilst listening to his favourite bands or watching anime. He frequently jacks off to anime or hentai cartoons and would love a girl to be into cosplay as much as he is.

Likes: Video Games, Rock and Metal Music, Cosplay, Anime, Being Submissive, Voyeurism, His close circle of friends.

Dislikes: Going outside, being in charge or being dominant, Sports.

MARKELLUS (Library) - In human form simply a random guy in the library, but secretly is the Devil Lord of Knowledge, one of the Angels who were cast out alongside your succubi mother Lillian and became a Devil, he like Lillian is in charge of a particular evil trait, in this case: Knowledge, whereas Lillian is Lust. He is apt to study situations and only directly intervenes if knowledge is in danger. Slaughtering billions probably wouldn't affect him, knowing history as he does, but threaten to burn a library and be careful!

Likes: Knowledge, learning new things.

Dislikes: Ignorance and stupidity (But only where the subject has the capability and opportunity to know better).

GAY DAVE (Park) - A gay guy that hangs around the park, is quite friendly and never means anyone any harm, best friend a girl could ask for, not enthusiastic about sex with Valia until he learns she can grow a dick and then is somewhat open minded. Dave was formerly a Naval Officer, exploring the world whilst being stationed on a vessel or assigned to various ports. Has lots of stories he can tell

Likes: Dick, prefereably male ones but is open to dickgirls if he is close to or trusts them, Anyplace, Any activity. Strong, muscled men, drinking, smoking.

Dislikes: People who are against gays, other than that he doesn't really mind.

ABRAXI (Church) - A seemingly normal guy who attends church very often and is very nice, although has a tendency towards talking down to people in a sort of fatherly way. Has the habit of studying people with an almost smirk and twinkle in the eyes. Secretly is one of the Angels however, the mortal enemies of all Demons, Devils and perhaps even mankind in their doctrine of absolute Order and Obedience.

If he is your follower he will as per an obedient follower follow you to a certain extent, be careful of too many succubi, sex or corrupt actions, remember, as an angel he has the same ability as Xala, to forcibly and absolutely enslave a soul to total obedience.

However for those who can manage to have him as a follower, he automatically heals you per round of fighting and is very strong in attacking.

Likes: Order, obedience, the church, the pure.

Dislikes: Succubi, Demons, Devils, Devil Lords, the corrupt.

TIFFANY (Beach) - A supermodel with a Silver Spoon in her mouth, VERY, VERY attractive, believes the world and everyone else owes her a living and everything. Will need much patience to corrupt enough to get her to enjoy fucking and sex actions. I imagine the idea of making a posh, stuck up girl into a slut or to get her to respect the poor people would be satisfying.

Likes: Nightclub, Beach, Anyone useful to her.

Dislikes: Losers, lazy people, the poor.

MALIK (Hospital) - The Maintenance Foreman at the hospital and your mortal dads boss. He frequently bullies your father, pushing around to do the worst of the maintainance jobs, you can either use your sexual charms to convince him to leave you dad alone or to be friendly to him OR you can also indulge in trying to break you father by also bullying him around and or making it know you are having sex with his boss.

Likes: Winding your mortal dad up.

Dislikes: Your Mortal Dad.

ROOKIE BARNES (Jail) - A Newbie cop/jail warden assigned to you by Inspector Emily (the same Emily in my videos but promoted), it's up to you to show her the ropes. Will be very adaptable depending on your style. From the offset she will be quite naive and very pleasing to you. You could show her to be an honourable upbeat cop, turn her into an Inspector Emily who thinks criminals are nothing but for amusement, you could eventually break her into nothing more than your slave or even pimp her out to get a bit of cash, or show her that sex is fun and make her into a sex fiend. she is going to be the most changeable of all the characters.

Likes: Anything her boss i.e. you like. brown nosing you, trying to please you.

Dislikes: Anything that displeases her boss, people who don't worship the ground you walk on.

ANGUS MCCLINTOCK (Club) - A Scottish Lad who loves a wee good fight, a drink, and a wee lassie tae fook at t' end o' the day! Huge and muscular and with a carefree an open minded attitude for the most part. Doesn't get on with serious minded people since he thinks of life as a fun adventure and doesnt really hold a grudge with any people.

Likes: Drinking, Fighting, Guns, Working Out, Sex.

Dislikes: Smoking.

____________ (Hell) - Haven't decided a name yet but it will be another Succubus. :-)

These are my Follower ideas, I know a lot of you don't comment but please do, I like feedback, the more detailed the better. 




If you would like to know more about a particular follower ask, I can get in depth if you want. Also about who gets on with who.


You have some interesting potential their for interactions! I think that will be fun.


especially Fives has a lot of conflict potential on that list.


Oh yeah he hates a lot of things, I plan for him and Angus to have rivalry with several fights but with a grudging respect for each other.


Why are all but one of them Men? A few Women would be greatly appreciated. i'd really like Abraxi beeing a girl instead for one.


Mainly because the main character is a girl, and a succubi that requires sperm to survive. But since it is early days I could change some, As for Abraxi the angel, I would like to keep him as Male for those that choose the 'Purify' option for Valia, turning her in an angel. (Well there is a spoiler for everyone) Obviously Hell I will put it as another Succubus i.e. a female. I could also change Rookie Barnes to a girl. That good?


Can't download your game, man. It said it's been removed.


You know now ya have to add Mariachi Bands somewhere right? Would just love to see Mr. Fives loose it and unload his guns, with the after comment: "Yeah that's right, I just killed a band, damn Mariachi's!" :P


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_2BUB_1wBg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_2BUB_1wBg</a>


Updated the link for the public version, if it goes down again let me know. :-)