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So I wake up to 1 new $3 patron and 1 patron editing their pledge to $3! Thanks guys I appreciate it.

I'll bring you guys more polls and ideas, get you involved in the game. Lets work together on this and create a good game.


P.S. $3 patrons don't forget the 2 idea polls just a few posts down.



Wow I really like this so far. Can't wait for the next chapter look forward to it.


Coming from a former SIMBRO patron that is good feedback, thanks. Next chapter is 5th of every month so you won't have to wait long!


Sweet with all the stuff your working on its gonna be great I know it already.


Great, I'll post what's coming in 0.4 a little later. So...whats your favourite part so far?


I like the fact that the lead character is a woman. Kinda like simbro could be if you chose. Most games are just too sexist and they are a guy just wanting to get laid basically. Not to many games are like this with a female lead this, simbro the old tori500. I like games like this where you are a woman improve on your stats and do what you want whether is working in the alley, fighting controlling someone else etc. Maybe sometime later its not important now not until you get the major stuff done we could have a option of what to do in the alley whether it be anal, oral and so forth. But that would be something in the future after you get the major stuff you want done.


Also if there is no simbro news by like tomorrow I'm outta there I had enough and the game has so much potential its sad really. They cant take the time to answer a question say hello or anything to anyone and they make so much money pathetic really.


I agree, they need to talk to people, patrons are just as much a part of the project as the creator. Unfortunately you do get some that don't think like that.


Hey I don't mind a powerful girl, that said that is kinda proven with how many of my patrons are drooling over Xala! Dragonfire especially lol. :-)