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<b>Strength<b> - Strength will contribute to your damage in battles as well as to be used in certain conversation to attempt to intimidate people. It will also be a factor for a more dominant succubus in order to 'force' yourself onto people.

<b>Perception<b> - Perception is how alert Valia is to the things around her, a high perception will allow her to notice things others would easily miss, such as items or events. She will also be able to notice if someone is lying to her and their body language.

<b>Endurance<b> - Endurance contributes to your base HP and also diminishes how much damage enemies do in battle. I will also link it to how much energy you have as well.

<b>Charisma<b> - How Charming and Sexy Valia is, high Charisma will allow Valia to pass speech checks more easily and allow her to convince others to her point of view, she can also more easily seduce others with this stat.

<b>Intelligence<b> - How smart Valia is academically, now I had a massive light bulb moment with this and I thought "What if Intelligence affects conversation?" What I mean is this, a low intelligence and Valia will have dialogue like a US cheerleader blowing bubblegum and twirling her hair, for example "Erm....I'm like...Valia, you boys wanna fuck?". A medium level of intelligence would be like a normal person "Hi, my name is Valia, you're cute, wanna come back to mine?" and a high intelligent Valia would say "Greetings, You may call me Valia. Forgive me but I couldn't help but avail myself of what a handsome man you are, might you perhaps join me for coffee?" Now that would be awesome! Dialogue changing all through the game depending on this stat! It will also allow Valia to solve problems and pass intelligence checks more easily.

<b>Wisdom<b> - One can be smart academically but still have no idea what is going on around them, this would be a person with high intelligence but no wisdom. We all know that professors tend to be intelligent but forget where they have put their keys or discuss deep subjects in places that aren't for that kind of thing. In short Wisdom will be 'street smarts'. She will know how to use her intelligence in the right places and times.

<b>Corruption<b> - Although a Succubi, you can still become more dark than the usual, this measures the above and beyond evil acts you do. I haven't decided what it will actually do yet.

<b>Purity<b> - You may decide to go the way none of your sisters have and reject a sinful life and instead seek to do good, those with high Purity and with high affection with a character I have yet to put in can transform Valia into an Angel, of course....if there was one thing to piss both Xala AND your mother off.... :-)



The "pure" path sounds like it's going to be rather hard but a really different experience.


Oh definately, if you choose to make Valia do that you're basically turning on your mother and all your sisters and turning into the enemy of all devils and demons.