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Seriously if you DONT want to know. Don't read this....

Man I'm serious....

Yo' ass better not complain if you be scrollin' dawg!

Xala as we already know is a Succubus just like your dear Valia, however there is a little bit of difference and to understand, you must first know the succubi lore. In my game you may note that Valia's mother Lillian is normal skin tone, in this game the lore is this, the closer to normal a succubi's skin tone is, either white, brown, black or yellow etc the closer in generation they are to Lillian, the mother of all Succubi.

The more younger of course and then you get the reds, blues and purples like Valia. Now I know one of you patreons hate religious stuff but bare with me, in the beginning there were 9 angels who were cast out of light and fell into Heck, the land of the demons, after viciously subjugating them and making them slaves for millennia, the devils carved out their own realms in Heck, naming these realms: Hell, the rest is what remains of Heck and any free demons remaining. Each Devil is exceptionally powerful and represents the sinful version of a virtue, thus Lillian is now the lady of Lust but was once the angel of love. The children of each Devil exhibit traits of their lord or lady, thus the Succubi are lustful and are feminine in appearance.

7 of the 9 are already known to everyone as the seven sins and when they were angels, their counterparts. there are however 2 new ones that I have added: Excessive Virtue and Knowledge as 'sins' and in continuing the lore of this game I shall explain why:

The doctrine of the angels was thus: Firstly they had no leader or 'God' that they bowed down to  and were only concerned with the spreading of the virtues and goodness, however despairing of those of whom always defied them and spread hate the angels eventually came to a conclusion: the ultimate enemy of a virtuous and good life was free will, thus when free all creatures naturally turned to sin, if one did not exhibit free will and learned to 'accept' ones place then virtue and good would follow. The angels therefore started the process of electing a leader from their ranks every so few years, this leader would have absolute control of the other angels who would bow down in submission and worship. The angels also began to push this doctrine in the real world.

But there were a group of 9 angels (you know what is coming now) who either rebelled or were deemed dangerous to the new doctrine who were needing to be expelled, thus the 9 fought their angelic brothers, sisters, wives, husbands etc etc and in the end were cast down to Heck, to carve out and subjugate that realm. The angels had a unique ability in that they could compel forcibly a creature to become permanently and fully a devoted thrall to them (to further their doctrine of free will being the ultimate cause of all evil). This is not like the normal Succubi lustful worship, for this angelic ability takes the very soul or free will from the victim leaving them an empty shell to walk around but powerless to resist any instruction given, rather than the succubi lust ability which can in certain circumstance be resisted, it is a deadly ability....

When Lillian was expelled she fell whilst looking into the eyes of the husband she left behind, falling down and down, her love getting further and further away from her, he had not stood by her.... she wept for love lost....

Of course Lillian when she and the others of the 9 were expelled, the angelic ability was removed from them, lest they reek havok and destruction upon the mortal realms, but not know to the angels....not known to the husband nor to Lillian herself....was that she was pregnant with her first child 2 weeks in...and to this child the ability was not removed....that child....she named in the Angelic tongue: 'Love Lost' or.... Xa...La.....Xala.

Xala loved her mother, absolutely adored her and when the demon wars happened she was just a little succubi girl, joining the ranks of the then small devil army. She found herself at a young age not indulging in lust in the way of her eventual sisters but had to change this to meet the demands of war, she trained...and trained.... becoming a hellion on the battlefield, raping demons to sate her lust rather than subtle seduction just so she could carry on fighting, she learned centuries of battle in the demon wars and picked up a taste for this in her succubi teen years (about the age Valia is now) by which time some of her little sisters were born, but although these first few generations saw some combat, they only saw the end and what their older sister had learned to be, she could be nothing else. Xala had already discovered her unremoved ability on the battlefield as did her mother who saw it when Xala forcibly removed the souls from two demons and made them her toys, making them forcibly turn against their own kin in battle, these two she has kept until the present day, as her bodyguards, she thought her mother would react with approval and was puzzled when instead she recoiled in horror.

When the demon wars ended and they were subjugated, Xala found herself unable to enjoy the lazy seductions of her younger siblings, she wished only to train and train, to become stronger. Eventually she left Hell as do all Succubi, though she was the first to walk the path long ago that Valia does in the intro. She did not at first go into the mortal realm, instead journying with her two demon servitors she entered the other hell realms and indeed other realms that no succubi would venture, she endured defeats and wins, always yearning for ever more powerful foes, a lust that was different, a lust for battle she had learned or had been forced upon her. How could she be anything else but what her mother wanted and she loved her mother so much.

She learned many techniques that others dont over the milleniums she travelled but, there came a time she found something else to fight for besides her mother or herself....

During the times of the Romans in our world, she encountered a Roman mortal: Marcus Crassus a then young man hiding away from bounty hunters in a cave. Thinking she was one he promptly punched her on the nose! To no small surprise from the veteran succubi girl who had conquered so many opponents... Who was this mortal man who dared to do such a thing, she could easily crush him like an ant and yet...something about the young mans wilful trying was...cute.

She felt something she had never felt before....and she explored this feeling, hovering around him and learning of Roman language and ways, she in turn taught him subtle ways of manipulation and discretely 'encouraged' male senators to support him in his ambitions, she was a mistress to him for to be with a none Roman woman was unheard of for a noble Roman man. But she supported and loved him all the same...until that fateful day...

He had been put into 3rd place by the martial war exploits of Caesar and Pompey, two other romans. To make up for this her intended to conquer Parthia, a desert sand land. He was beaten and mercilessly beheaded and his head paraded to amusement by the nobility of that land...

She found his body upon the sands...and old and elderly man cut down but more than that...HER man cut down. She visited and turned the Parthians against themselves, visiting upon them a wrath she had never done so before! Who remembers them now in our world? Does Parthia still exist as a country now? Now you know why....

She realised however that there was one who could reverse even this: the devil lords and ladies could if they so wished....breach the land of the dead and bring back a soul if required. She walked back to where she had first knew as a child....

....and she was REFUSED!!!! Lillian upon hearing her tale, denied her, to this day no-one knows why the two who had been closer than most should deny each other. It was said that her last act was to walk around the battlefields of her childhood before walking once again into the mortal realm...

To this day she waits at the top of her tower, an organisation dedicated to the creation and acquisition of debt finance, watching....and waiting for something. Those of the 2nd and 3rd generations not slain in the demon wars soon noticed their numbers thinning...and none dare approach her nor grow to powerful in war like ways for soon they disappear.

Will you oh Valia grow strong or idle like most of your other siblings? Your Sister is watching...




O my God!


Keep up the good work, and don't forget to not overwork yourself


Thank you for staying by my side as we continue with this project. It means a lot to me.


Holy crap!! I mean.. Unholy shit!.. no that didn't come out right either.. Oh Woah, wow!! :D I didn't know that much about Succubi, so thanks for taken the time needed to write this massive piece of information :-) It's a little difficult to comment on it without making spoilers, so will just say: Good job! I look forward to seeing it in game! :D


Well past this comment they have to click to see anything so write away as much as you want. Anyone who DOES NOT want spoilers DONT CLICK past this comment. There you go!