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Just had 2 people go, Jordan Achilla and Mira, Mira was my first ever patron as well. Not gonna lie it does get me a bit.

That said I've had a handful of new $1 patrons, Hi guys. Please stay, I'm a nice guy with lots of porn for you :-)

But I'm always open to improving and trying to retain people so I've come up with honest criticism about myself and I'd like to know what you think might be the reason people aren't staying, tick all that apply:


random Crow

People come and go, this is just the run of events. You will get used to it; it's nothing wrong with you in particular.


I know that, it's not personal but still if there is something I can change I'd like to know, business is business but not all business is conducted the same, some creators are agressive, some defensive, some funny, some shy and withdrawn (You), some use sex appeal etc etc.


Lack of focus. I pledged for your videos but then you added more projects like the game that I don't really care about


i love your games opening soundtrack remixed Lavender Town its really beautiful and in a way it fits the game genre really well


Thank you I appreciate that, say i noticed you aren't a patron so how did you get a hold of version 0.2 to listen to that? Have you been naughty and been pirating? :-)


apocrypha xxxgame corp i get the feeling you are upset by the fact people pirate stuff which i thought you wouldnt be since you advertise your game on other bigger pateron game sites XD


Not really upset by pirating per se, hell I did it myself with quite a few games myself, just want to know if the sites it is put on still have me named as creator and someone isn't passing it off as theirs. Thats the main point. Hell I became a patron of SIMBRO from a pirated 0.5 version.


no svscomics and yes they credit you