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Right so i go to boot up my laptop this morning and black screen, okay so i try all the tricks i know and they are not working so right now i'm using my tablet to post this. I'm taking apart the laptop to see if if reseating the RAM will help, if not then i'll see about removin the HDD, plugging that into another laptop to get all my data back but....fear not the data for 'Tales of a Succubus' is on an external HDD so i can plug it into any laptop and i've still got it. (I always have tricks up my sleeve). So since my birthday is 31st May i'm going to see if i can get an early present in the form of an even better laptop :-) And hell, worst comes to worst i can always use my girlfriends laptop... Just to let you guys know. It's professional to give bad a well as good news. You are backing me and i dont like to bury my head in the sand and surprise you at the last minute. Thing ia from what i can tell, IBM allegedly knew that the model and drivers for the GPU were fault and would blow out, apparently many with a T61p have had the same fault with the only recourse being a $500 refurb. You'd think a company with several military contracts would be able to make a decent ex military laptop. Oh well. Sorry about this guys, don't go anywhere i'll sort this.


Kravenar Games

Well mate, IBM's tech was actually bought and improved by Lenovo. So if you're going to have the needing of quality, throw all away and go for Lenovo. The war-proof undestroyable Thinkpad technology is now their property. :)