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Hi everyone, thought I'd update everyone with what I've been doing since starting this game on 5th May (only 9 days ago), so far I've got in the first version:

3 Characters: Valia (thats you), Lilian (Mother of all Succubi and Old Bill (I won't give a spoiler as to what he does in the introduction)

Introduction Complete with text and background.

Introduction Scenes so far:

Refusing 'Breakfast' Video COMPLETE (No Sound)

Accepting 'Breakfast':

Vaginal, Anal, Oral, Futa, Submissive videos COMPLETE (No Sound)

Dominant video NOT COMPLETE

Hub area complete with text and background and ability to click to another area COMPLETE

Other areas can be clicked on and I've got image backgrounds for all 12 of them but you can't do anything in them yet.

Stats system implemented but doesn't affect anything yet.

Sex Stats system implemented but doesn't affect anything yet.

Now the thing is when it comes to creators theres a 80/20 rule in effect:

80% of them absolutely love their creation, it can do no wrong, it's the best thing in the world and criticism is not valid, the disadvantage of this is that these CAN but not always put out a rubbish project, or worse rubbish updates and think it's perfectly fine. The other 20% are like myself, we tell ourselves that something is not good enough, right now I see what has been done and In my mind I think 'it's not good enough for release put more in!' Now that seems fine but the 20% people then sometimes never ever get off the ground because they think it's not good enough, case in point I once spotted a game, a complete one posted on the LOK forums without any posts before and when asked where it had come from the creator said he didn't think it was good enough to release! I'm not that bad but still.... Anyway now you know you WILL be getting a demo/0.1 version. My usual method is of course 5th of every month to release something. By that time the intro scenes and videos will hopefully have sound!

Unless you want an early taste and don't mind one with no sound in which case I'll do the dominant video today and release a no sound version. That would allow me I suppose to post it as a public version on some of the game websites. Let me know what you think.

There will be a poll above this post for what to do next month.

P.S. After the public version is released, further versions will be Patreon only, since my patreons are paying me, I think it's only fair to get something in return even if it is an early version or their name in the credits.



How would one go about getting the game? :o I am interested in it but can't seem to find a link I'm new so still learning about this patreon ^_^


Oh wow, this is a REALLY old game of mine, I long since stopped working on it. There is probably a few pirate sites that still have it but to be honest it was my first project and I had no idea what I was doing. I wen't back to video creating at the moment. Welcome to my page and to patreon, if there is anything else, let me know.