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This month the topic is once again Life is Strange, yet this time the winner will be a fun yet strange new pairing. This mainly means a pair that isn't really ever used due to usually the characters never interacting or showing no signs of such stuff. I also felt it'd be fun to have some that are more basic in terms of interaction, and some that are more time jump interactions.

The winner will contain a 4 image short story with: an intro, makeout session, sex, and aftermath. 

Vote on as many as you want. If any characters tie the characters will be either put into 1 scene together or both will have their own scenes made.

The poll will end on the 16th and be uploaded by the end of the month

Monthly Updates

For this month I have a few plans for posts already. The first is redoing some of the older pairing posts I have already done. Namely the ones with only 2 images. But I do plan on actually altering them a bit to fix them. I also am planning on a new swimsuit set for this month. As it is summer and is the perfect time to do something like that.

Next, about the animation I made last month. I got a ton of helpful feedback on what I need to do to improve. I will be working on more over time to get better at actually animating. So hopefully my next one should look a tiny bit better. Whenever I get around to it.

Lastly now about the Harley post. No it isn't cancelled. I actually have been working on it just not posting what has been made. I altered her body to fix issues I had and to streamline the idea. I have ideas on how to rework the whole idea but don't want to set anything in stone until I am close to being finished. So don't expect updates for a bit.


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