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I decided to take today off from the other projects as they are starting to really burn me out, to finally fix Rachel's legs. As if you didn't notice in previous posts Rachel's legs were a  totally different color to the rest of her body after I added the dragon tattoo (as Rachel has a it by the time she is 18 in game or atleast by the events of the first game, so I added it to make it so the model actually is her at 18) Tho the legs also couldn't be made wet as they would just have a generic shine to them and not the water drop effect the rest of the model had. So I spent a few hours trying to figure it out and got it so both the issues are fixed. I then decided to update the model base set I have for them by adding tongues to each character and fixing up the piercings as they were crazy small. I also added a few new ones such as tongue piercings for Chloe and Rachel and gave Rachel a Nip one to match Chloe's.

I also decided to fix up the old pool set I made a long long time ago for this. Changing the walls to actually be blue and white and not just generic concrete and made the pool much bigger like it is in game. Pretty much making the whole set tho with very little details as I didn't have the time. I did this all within the last like 4 hours or so.

Now that this is done I am gonna go work on the monthly polls as that finished today. Hopefully gonna get both out by the 25th as per usual. Hope you all enjoy this little test



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