Commission. Femshep Fucking Jack With A Strap On While Liara Watches (Patreon)
2017-10-27 20:55:56
Getting alot of commissions. Which is really nice. I can always use the money. If you ever want one. Dont be afraid to message me. I am generally cheap. And usually get your work done in 1 to 2 days of commissioning. Here are the rules if you want any. LINK
Both my request and commission rules got a bit of an upgrade. The request rules now say they are on hold. Which will be changed when I open them back up. Which I have a few more works I want to get done. I have actually seen alot of growth when I started doing my own projects too so I think people like them a bit more (depending on post of course) Also I added a new rule and changed number 5 on my commission rules. Mainly just to clarify what is and isn't allowed, and as 5 said ill post free posts on patreon which isn't allowed anymore.