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So a dowager queen is a queen who married into a royal family but is now a widow. So basically what happened (at least what I gather happened from what we've been told) is that Kuma refused to follow a Celestial Dragon's orders. Maybe he wanted Jewelry Bonney to be his wife instead of Kuma's, we've already seen how much they don't give a damn about a "mere human's" current relationship with other humans. When he refused they obviously threatened his kingdom, but because he was so strong they knew it would be a costly fight and that they might even lose. Therefore I imagine that they gave Kuma an ultimatum, something along the lines of, "You have two choices. One: You become one of our Warlords and participate in our Pacifista project, and in return we'll leave your wife and kingdom alone, she can rule in your place without being harassed by the Celestial Dragons. Or two: continue defying us and we'll crush your kingdom and take your wife to the Celestial Dragon anyway." And that, I hypothesize, is how Kuma the king became Kuma the robotic slave (which is interesting in itself as I recall that "robot" is derived from a Greek word that means "slave", so there's that.)