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https://streamable.com/g92hrt pass - ripthegoatythroaty:(




When you watch One Piece for the second time it's like you watch 2 stories at the same time unfold.


when will you upload the one piece subathon stream?


That rant about Big Mom beating the leader made no sense, One Piece humans can live to 140 so the Rayleigh argument doesn’t work, the leader was washed and weak. Also Big Mom has been abnormally strong her whole life


The most terrifying thing I can think of: a literal child that you CAN NOT control. It's almost like if anyone could tell her no and mean it, she wouldn't have ended up this way. Oh wait, that IS the point. Just think, she destroyed Elbaf and killed the leader at 5, imagine how strong she must be now. L take after L take, this might be the worst string of reactions yet. Like, you just keep arguing that Big Mom shouldn't be as powerful as she is. Well I've got news for you: she is. You literally saw how strong she is, technique and experience don't matter, her raw fucking strength and defense dwarf that. What are you talking about with that Roger point? We saw Ace taking out adults all the time as a child, of course I'm thinking Roger's coming out the womb knocking dudes out.

Hunter Bishop

lmao people don't understand that the problem isn't that she's so strong at that age, the problem is there's no reason given for that. The Meruem argument doesn't work because the queen specifically consumed as many nen users as she could get her pincers on in order to pass on immense power to Meruem once he was born. Yes, he's "just that strong" but there's a reason for it.

Hunter Bishop

Kaido and Whitebeard arguments also don't work because we don't see them as kids.

Hunter Bishop

and also, it doesn't matter if it's explained later. From a narrative perspective that makes no sense. This isn't a situation where you can skip on an explanation


Why can i not click and watch the video

Ashley Saari

So you must have had the same objections to Oden, right? Also super strong as a child for no notable reason?


Holy cheese sticks! Well... guess im not doing anything else this friday