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Bois it’s snowing the most in Texas I’ve ever experienced. The power was off last night, so I went to bed but it’s still off this morning, so I can’t upload :( I’ll keep y’all updated!



Yea it’s bad out there bro


It’s snowing so much here in Mississippi 😂


Ye its bad in texas i saw on snap and the news lmao. Its snowing where im at too

Isaac Godoy

I’m right with you. Woke up in the middle of the night cold as hell. The power doesn’t look like it’s coming back on here either


Lol it does what it wants in NC. We got snow the other week for no reason, then it was hot as hell in the afternoon on the same day


I live in Dallas, I've never seen anything like this bro!! The wind chill is -9 🥴


Yessir! Seeing snow for myself for the first time here in Houston!


You guys finally get to experience a snow storm

Darko Petrovic

I saw some shit on insta about the snow in texas, looks wild lol hope you‘re good


Welcome to what its like to live up north every winter for months at a time sometimes...I'm up in Washington state and luckily our Winter has been somewhat tame compared to normal. Learn to hate the snow like the rest of us muwhahah!! :)


Should be lucky u lot don't live up north lol


Sounds like a good old Canadian day. Good luck and stay warm everyone.