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Just to clairfy: I said I'd watch the Boruto filler on my own time without reacting to it, but I didn't mean right away. I'm going to watch the Boruto filler when I have free time to do so, and I'm moving, so I haven't watched any yet. I said the exact same thing with Naruto Shippuden and Naruto fillers - and I still haven't watched some of those yet.

I accept criticism, but anything about Boruto fillers I pretty much ignore. (Boruto filler, not anime canon). I also ask a couple of people if some Boruto episodes are genuinely worth making a reaction to, and sometimes they're not, so I don't. 

No one is immune from being banned if they're being toxic, especially when they're trying to hide it under the guise as "criticism". (Calling me and my content shit isn't criticism, just hate :))

Last time to be crystal clear: I haven't watched any of the Boruto episodes listen as "filler" on the anime canon vs manga canon website. I am going to, but I haven't got to yet, because I also enjoy watching other anime (like romance) in my free time aswell. I'm sorry if that disappoints you. I want to watch them, and I will, but especially with me moving houses, I won't have the free time to anytime soon.



You and youā€™re mods are toxic and ban people from what Iā€™ve seen. You canā€™t take criticism and thatā€™s a bad quality in someone whoā€™s suppose to be a content creator. No one had a issue with ā€œfillerā€. The issue was you not listening to us and blatantly ignoring issues people who paid for your Patreon had. We asked multiple times for things and you did them without any regard for any of us. Itā€™s disappointing. Your reactions could be better and your ability to accept feedback could accept work. No one called your content shit so no need to lie. Just do better by us. Thatā€™s all.


CAP lol but when you asked who's the sword person in the opening it killed me šŸ˜‚. I really don't care if you've watched them or not. If people said you should watch a particular episode because it's needed or something and you don't watch it. You shouldn't expect answers when you ask, at least not from me


Please continue doing things at your pace and the people that have unreasonable problems with it should refrain from commenting. I started watching your videos recently and I enjoy the content you produce. Great job Heisuten!


The Boruto fans might be the most toxic in all of anime. They lose their shit if you call anything filler, skip any episodes or critique it on substance in any way.

Nyan Krunex

All anime fandoms are toxic, there are lot MORE toxic fanbases than Boruto...for Boruto's case, the argument bout filler episodes is what makes them go like that, toxic šŸ¤§

Haidar alhawaj

if you look carefully. there is toxicity in literally every anime fandom, the difference is that what the toxicity is about, in Boruto's case, it's what's filler and what's canon.


This is nothing compared to the crap some of the other fandoms pull. I can name so many toxic fanbases but that isn't going to make things less toxic. Honestly, anime fandom as a whole has become super toxic over the past 5-7 years.


Thank you for the clarification man Iā€™ll suggest just listening to us instead of the anime cannon/filler list cause itā€™s definitely wrong after 157 please donā€™t skip another episode cause youā€™re about to catch up and thank you again for this update


Heisutan we need to have a talk about One Piece and AOT because this channel is a bit TOO biased. That poll that was put up really doesnā€™t even begin to display the dominance of those two shows. Iā€™m honestly a bit disappointed. Iā€™ve always loved Naruto, it was my number 1 for a long time, but thereā€™s no way in hell I could ever come out of my mouth and say itā€™s better than One Piece and now AOT is passing it on my list as well. But you donā€™t have to listen to me, just look into it all yourself.


Heisutan, my life long friend, we must have a man to man discussion. I believe my opinion of anime is more important than anyone else's. Let me tell you, I know a good anime when I see one. Listen to me and only me, for we are YouTuber and viewer, like peas and carrots. But you don't have to listen to me, just look into it, with all that free time that you just explained you have. Thank you, my soul mate.


I just think itā€™s so crazy how youā€™re catching up as soon as things REALLY pick up in Boruto. As a manga reader I promise you from where you are now is simply incredible all the way to todayā€™s new episode and what lies beyond. Boruto 2021 is going to be insane


lmao he is true about aot and op being better than naruto but that poll wasnt Heisutens opinion


Iā€™m caught up on manga and honestly Boruto still doesnā€™t do it for me , so they less reactions on Boruto the better ... after getting quality back-to-back, no-BS filler episodes from AoT & JuJustsu Kaisen , Boruto anime is going to need more than just a little nostalgia to get my attention back & sorry manga readers , the latest chapter isnā€™t changing my mind ... it just lost its uniqueness imo


Now I just want to know what romance anime he's watching.

Darko Petrovic

Im pretty much a lurker and i really dont understand people complaining, if it really bothers you that much just unsubscribe like jesus....


@Smurfidy, shut your bitch ass up. The poll was incredibly biased because of the fanbase of this channel. Iā€™m not just a Naruto fan, Iā€™m an anime fan in general and I know the poll was terribly inaccurate in terms of capturing the opinions of the greater anime community. I gave my opinion in my comment but the ā€œtalkā€ I wanted to have wouldnā€™t just be me spouting my own opinions at him dumbass. Boy I swear I wouldā€™ve bitch slapped you if I were with you in person


I donā€™t usually comment but I really look forward to you seeing mitsukiā€™s rainy day which is in my opinion the best single ep in all of Boruto. Feels like a part 1 Naruto ep. I understand why some people are mad People have been using the term filler to discredit Boruto for years and when they see eps that are actually really good(aside from the chocho eps) deemed filler it irritates them I just wanna see people enjoy the series like I do even if that means they donā€™t enjoy the same eps I did