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hxh 122 pat



He hit em with the “what are thoooose”


I always think of their differences of opinion as being similar to that of wolves vs dogs. Meruem wants to turn us into dogs - well cared for (I mean, I know there are exceptions, but you know what I mean) by a ruling class. Being wolves is far more dangerous and unfair - nature can be cruel, especially to the weak. But do we want to be dogs? No inequality means what are you working for if there's no way to benefit yourself. There's no right answer - depending on your life circumstances, being well cared for might be worth that loss of freedom. But Netro thinks we should be wolves, that Meruem's offer isn't as good as it might sound, but even he admits there's truth there and that he could be swayed. It's a fun debate. BTW, generally 125 and 126 and 130 and 131 are both kinda considered as two-part episodes, and I'm guessing people would like them to be combined if possible, even if that means one less drop than normal or if there's a delay. But you do you.


What happen to lil chinq

Waffles ^.^

lil chinq needs to be here now


Has the videos been lagging lately or just for me?

Ondra Moravec

Have you noticed Netero put himself into the same position as back in the last part of the hunter exam? Make him admit defeat?


Chinq when? Cmooon

Darko Petrovic

The real fight will be soon, downt worry. Gotta be patient.


I loved you said Netero’s hit will damaged any other caracthers of the show, and you have a compassion heart because you take care about royal gards !


Please watch the next two episode together, the cliffhangers will be too strong :')