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Hunter x Hunter is almost finished! 


boruto 103 pat



Cat episode next ?

Nyan Krunex

Skip EP 105, it's a recap episode!


Apparently, Tosaka thinks he can better Orochimaru by licking bird crap 😐

Nyan Krunex

That was one of my favorite Boruto moments in anime canon, "Genetics this..Destiny that" just risking it all even if he wasn't strong enough with a big brain play of Duo Boruto Stream + Rasengan and Jugo's speed👌


Skip EP105 :)


What happened to double upload for anime???


Says it next day no double upload next day after that no hxh

Nyan Krunex

Heisuten, can you upload HxH first before Boruto from now on just cause? Even if you need to wait for Lil Chinq to upload the files of HxH which makes it more efficient to upload Boruto first but it's alright just upload HxH first on 'Patreon' lol. Boruto ppl can wait it out💪

Pacific Caleb

Yeah don't skip 104 but do skip 105 it is a recap. Now you can also watch the OP and ED whenever.


It doesn't really matter your still getting the content you paid for and I'm not trying to start an arguement I just want to point out the impatience and sense of entitlement in this comment. Boruto fans could just as easily say the same thing to you if it was the other way around

Nyan Krunex

This is coming from someone who watches both HxH and Boruto lol, it's way better than getting Boruto slander all the time whenever there's no HxH upload, and you can definitely tell the people from Boruto's side are mostly humble and don't worry bout upload schedules as much, that's why I said they CAN wait it out 😶


you are right netero does clap pitou.


nicknames: pitou, pifou, youpi


True enough. Ive watched them both a couple times thru now but if I'm being completely honest I'm not sure why people hype up HxH so much for reactors. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the anime but it's an unfinished story that probably won't get to wrap up properly because of everything going on with the writer.

Nyan Krunex

I would say it has a fairly decent ending for the anime onlys where it feels like the show has actually ended. But it is unfinished, that is true too


That’s VERY debatable and I’d argue ur wrong on that ngl. Pitou is VERY VERY strong


not debatable at all I dont want to spoil shit but pitou aint beating netero. Mabye I exaggerated to much yes netero woudnt clap pitou but are you saying netero will lose to pitou lol? It is true netero cant hurt pitou that much and netero probably coudnt fully kill pitou without using his trump card but no way will pitou manage to beat or even kill netero. And if you are an anime only then I dont think you can fully understand because it gauges it alot better in the manga. And netero in his prime would absolutely smash pitou thats no question there


Tosaka has the same voice actor as Dio. That line was a little JoJo reference for the culture!! Also Jugo kinda was punching him like Jotaro lmao