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hxh 81 pat



they beat the SHIT outta Rammot but wait... what happens when you're hit with a nen attack without having nen activated yet?....


I think you should start uploading HxH first, not hating on Boruto or anything but as far as I know, its going to take quite a bit of time for you to get to the really hype part of Boruto, whereas every single episode in this arc of HxH is hype, which means people will get more frustrated if you keep 'em waiting longer, just saying.

Nyan Krunex

Even now? Sometimes that happens in different countries. Try using VPN


did boruto ever get to that timeskip i dropped it after watching it weekly when it got to episode 36 or something close to that


I know it might not happen and im really not the type of guy to always want to beg for something but i really suggest doubling some episodes this arc because there are a lot of hype moments that people are gonna want to see as a whole


That rule went out the window the most logical thing i could think of is there not as weak as the average non nen user I guess

Ahan Shankwalkar

Hey i don’t think u understand the ant hierarchy completely. There r multiple squads and each has a squadron leader (colt, zazan, lion guy, chameleon guy, penguin guy, cheetah guy, centaur guy, etc etc). Now each squad has 1-2 lieutenants (spider guy for zazan’s squad, koala guy for chameleons squad, rammot for colts squad, etc etc). Now below these lieutenants in each squad are the lowest foot soldiers which are the random nameless one. Now above all the squads and the squad leaders are the royal guard. And above them is the king. The koala guy seems strong and all but he is just a lieutenant like Rammot and is weaker than the squadron leaders like colt, etc etc.

Chaplain Harvest

i’m pretty sure these boys world about to be turned upside down in like 3-4 episodes


guys not to be rude to boruto or anythin but hxh will only get better and when i say better i mean BETTER from here on out hope u could find a way to spend more time on hxh for the time being

Nyan Krunex

Masahiro, they are doing exactly that, they are spending way more time with each HxH reaction and Heisuten's just quickly going through the Boruto reactions for now, you can check the lengths, they are much shorter compared to HxH understandably so :)

Redding Tier

@chukka You should continue on to at least episode 66. Episode 65 was one of the best fight sequences in all the Naruto series. The Chunin Exams Arc was great and started at episode 51 and ends at episode 66 so you weren't that far off. Episode 39 was also a really lit episode on Mitsuki and Orochimaru backstory written by Kishimoto. You could safely skip episode 42-50. Anyways, they're not at the timeskip yet in anime. They're on episode 169 though and things are heating up and getting to some good manga parts that are upcoming soon. Looking at the manga where they look pretty close to the timeskip ( I wager it'll happen within 12 months), it's going to be another year or 2 until Boruto finally gets to the timeskip.


@Milz I don't want to come off as harsh, but can you not read? I clearly said "first" since there is almost always a 2/3 hour wait time between uploads these days. smh