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boruto 89 pat



Lol I was about to sleep since it is 7:00am and I slept jack shit but hey, boruto time. Also good work on the grind brother


Gengg. If you really need to take a break and handle real-life stuff do it! It's all okay! I think Kakashi put genin Sasuke in a genjutsu once I think I don't know it's been a long time haha!

Pedro Garza

This money is to support you as a content creator. The videos are just an added benefit. :)

Nyan Krunex

All of the novel adaptations are really dope, next up react to EP 93-95 mini novel arc..it's really good even if there's not much action. Also, until you get to EP 141 everything that is happening in between don't add much to the main canon story in Boruto as you can tell, they are just side stories/novels put in for the manga to go ahead. And they are mostly slow and slice of life. So they are gonna hold back on certain important moves/stuff such as in EP 91. That's why, I recommend just reacting only to the arcs, and skimming through the standalone episodes off screen, so that you can reach to the main juicier canon stuff faster~ Follow the list that you showed on EP 1 reaction, for the rest of the episodes until you get to main manga canon and you will build a good momentum 👌👌


He should definitely not skip 96 and 97, they show important progression of characters' personalities and abilities. Especially the episode about Namida. He and Chinq were so annoyed by her power last time, I don't see why he wouldn't want to see her train hard to improve her jutsu

Nyan Krunex

96 shows new progression, 97 on the other hand creates a new flaw and resolves that flaw for the certain character with a new jutsu, a lot of these standalone eps are like this tbh, but they really slow down the momentum of the story, now that we no longer have to wait for main canon, there's no need for him to completely react to these side canon stuff. Instead skim through most of the standalones, not all so he knows what new stuff they learn, and react only to the arcs. And catch up to the main story✌✌ Edit: also I am not talking about skipping every standalone eps, but most of them, don't skip EP 104,115,137,138, 139 cause they introduce new characters

Redding Tier

Your suggestion is a completely awful suggestion. I don't think there's a point to skipping any Boruto episodes at this point. He's going to be caught up to Boruto within a couple months and then he'll have to react weekly to the show.


Ah nice no hxh see you again tomorrow