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goh 8 pat



I swear this anime is weird... After the last episode released (episode 12) i was confused and not in a good way... :(


Dw its just that theyre going faster than webtoon and cutting out a LOT of dialogue and backstory interactions. animes trying their best to adapt


Maybe the funds are not enough to support a detailed pacing like Naruto was for example. But they shouldn't rush the story and gives us 90% of the episode just fight. The animation is cool but if it's heavily used it becomes boring. The story should be the main focus here cuz even if you don't finish it through a season you can continue it in the next one, cuz people will be more intrigued about the plot then a good fight. Also... the powers are weird af. Maybe some explanation would do some good.


Naruto is about come in goh 😾


Please double drop episodes 12 and 13 on Monday 🤞 the series finale is episode 13 on Monday thats why im asking 😂 if not ep 13 on Tuesday is okay too