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A lot of people said NOT to watch it because of spoilers, so I'm leaning toward not watching it. But I thought I'd do a poll!



Watching episode 1 1999 would be a bad move there's a reason they didn't want to repeat the contents of the episode for this series.


I wouldnt say its spoilers but they still are two totally different series of anime and i think you shouldnt mix them up.... just my opinion though But you should totally watch the movies at some point of time.


Recently rewatched ep 1 of HxH 1999 and I'm of the opinion that it's a harmless watch. Contrary to what people are saying here, a lot of the content isn't actually repeated and some we don't see in the 2011 version. Plus IMO, spending a bit more time on this particular content kinda helps makes things a little more natural and less forced later on (no specifics/spoilers obviously). But yeah, if y'all do choose to watch it, after 76 I think is the way to go.


Yeah you can totally watch it just after ep 76


Yea after 76 it is harmless but he was originally going to watch and react to it before 76, while waiting for lil chinq to catch up.


I personally don't think that the spoiler most people are talking about is that big of a deal but maybe that's just me. Suggested after 76 since it's probably the option that satisfies the most people if they do watch it.

Morgan Le Fay

You’ll still understand the story and it really doesn’t add to it in any way. It may even spoil ep 76. People are just too excitable when it comes to this arc🙄. As someone who watched the show for the first time earlier this year- ep 1 isn’t needed.

Jason Serrano

I don't get while it would be spoiler when it's originally supposed to be that way. BUT, at the same time you're already there so I see no point watching it. ALSO BUT! If we're waiting for lil chinq it would be a nice "filler" type reaction vids, at the same time you could use the break and get some rest :)


It's fine even if you don't watch ep 1. but u still can watch it after 76 so it won't be a spoiler anymore


Fck This 😂😂 I wanna see HxH 2011

Nyan Krunex

Or they just never watched 1999 HxH, but it's done and dusted now 💀


I only wanna say with that that i cant wait for the next arc 😂

Morgan Le Fay

Watching it before 76 is pointless. It doesn’t add anything to the experience. Watching it after 76 does. It’s not that deep.

Waffles ^.^

u can watch ep 1 1999 but u have to watch ep 76 first


Idk if you guys realize but part of what the 2011 anime messed up on, maybe even the only thing, is the aspect that you’re saying the 1999 version will spoil. For me watching the 2011 version of this next arc I was a bit confused and didn’t find this one specific thing to be too believable all because the 2011 anime left out the part that the 1999 version included. If we’re being technical, I believe the manga included this same stuff as well so technically it’s stuff he should see and know. I know personally it would’ve helped me while watching to know as opposed to knowing after the fact.


Well you can watch it after 76, the first ep of 1999 helps you understand more with this arc


Technically they didnt include it to the anime for a reason. lul