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boruto 73 pat


Nyan Krunex

Orochimaru is neither good nor bad, but hate to break it to you - he doesn't have any emotional attachment towards Mitsuki, he just treats him like a parent possibly would. But other than that, it's research>test subjects for him, if something goes south, he won't hesitate to dispose of Mitsuki and create another one to continue his research. Mitsuki doesn't have any real family, he was created merely for Orochimaru's curiosity of how his own path could have been different 😬😬


Genngggggg bout to ride out this hella dragged out arc with ya but don’t worry it’s still somewhat enjoyable I kinda liked this arc and it’s pretty important showing that artificial humans are going to be a thing throughout the series




I wouldn’t label Orochimaru as “good” lmao. I would say he’s a “necessary evil”.


Not that I like the old advisors, but I think they still have them because of how long they've been around. Naruto and Shikamaru are already in touch with the younger generation, so younger advisors would be redundant. It makes sense to get multiple perspectives. even if those old asshole's perspectives are always wrong


Basically the dynamics we see in real life. Old people, boomers, and so on, versus adults, young adults, etc.


Yep. It questioned things like artificial intelligence, will and if AI beings have them, etc. Dragged out, but for somebody who wants some deep lore, this arc was dope.

Nyan Krunex

There's 2 parts of this arc, like most long arcs have several parts and as organized in the DVD sets. Part 1(71-79) is prolly the 'dragged out' one or build up, Part 2(80-92) is where things start to pick up, but at the end of the day, the emotion surrounding this arc is really nice 🙃

Tom Bashore

Man screw those old advisors, they belong in a nursing home. Like you said, Naruto has the power to back himself up and protect the village when those two have been completely incapable for the entire series lol