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hxh 64 pat



Biscuit is literally the coolest trainer. hard as fuck but also extremely caring. couldn't have asked for a better nen trainer


Video is not available in my country for some reason


my outro music got video copyrighted, that might've been it. I guess someone made a song with the song (that was copyright free) and put it in the copyright ID system :/ fixing it now!


"there's this group with the bomber guy" OH NO NO NO LMAO

old m80

Aura colours aren't really indicative of anything. Everyone's Nen is different, so the way it looks will often be distinctive too. That being said, when we're talking about stuff like Gon's Ko punch, I think the show is using different colours to help portray the strength of the aura and how concentrated it is, as well as helping you distinguish between the different techniques.


ima say it gon is better at rock, paper, scissors

Darko Petrovic

finally someone appreciates the in depth training. i prefer that over a random power boost after a time skip.

Michael Royal

the guy who created hunter truly set a gold standard for how to create an incredible story.