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ep 62 half way done :)


hxh 61 pat



The card transformation limit is the maximum limit of how many times an item can be transformed into a card in the entire game. E.g. if a card has a limit of 10, then there can only be a max of 10 in circulation across all greed island (1 player may have all 10, 10 different players have 1 each or any combination in between). Cards are consumed when used, let's say a card has reached it's limit and then someone used 1, it means another player can "transform" another of the item into a card.


I thought we were saving HxH double for the actual hype episodes


Pause as often as you need to, man, a story/world isn't much fun when you don't understand its underlying mechanics.


Gannnng 💪💪💪


They shoulda saved the double upload for super hype episodes , I mean isn’t that why they did it for boruto 😭


You talk as if double upload is some sort of rare useable ressource, chill, if there are any hype episodes they can double upload again.


Like he said, I'm going to double upload when everyone wants it for a hype moment. Just didn't want to leave the hxh bois hangin :)


I’m mixed on this arc but I think it’s better then certain sides of the fandom want to admit


I love this arc. It’s so fun and expand on their nen. I love the concept of greed island being next level interactive MMORG

Mike B

nah I'm glad you're pausing and trying to learn as much as you can about it thats dope af


i actually love this arc imo. very funny and you learn a LOT also... "Loli girl" LMAOOO


Swole body gang Capt incoming lol


The lolly girl is with the boys in the intro , I don’t think she’d be evil lmao