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Editing hxh rn :) I was going to wait until later to upload, but why wait? lmao


boruto 63 pat



Yeah, this is the change of Boruto Uzumaki. I love this kid.


Chinq will eat his words if they sit through the slow torture that is ep 67 - 120.


Yeah, dude don’t overly complicate yourself with what episodes to watch after 66. I’d say skip the Cho Cho arc, but watch the Metal Lee episode and then forward. The anime is the full story of Boruto. Just watch the episodes

Nyan Krunex

But those are the filler esk episodes lmao, and also they are skipping a bunch of them like 67,68,69, the actual episodes that are not like that relates to the manga/novel or mcs developments are so much better


This skipping arc thing is unnecessary and too rushed I feel. It's not like Boruto Shippuden is waiting to be watched yet. Also, Boruto isn't too different from Naruto (not Shippuden) if you think about it, a very similar pattern. OG Naruto had 4 main arcs - The Land of Waves, Chunin Exams and Konoha invasion, the search for Tsunade and the Sasuke retrieval. The rest was just there to enjoy and a little character development. Let them enjoy each episode for what it is instead of getting too worked up about it, lol.


Yes, but I'm talking from the perspective of a fan who had to unfortunately watch those trash arcs in real time in 2018 and 2019 without the luxury of skipping like they can. And here Chinq is ridiculing us like we don't have legit reasons to not be fully on board lol. I'm just here for the ep 65 reaction then I'm bouncing because what's to come is dreadful, they'll end up eating their words and switching their tune and will understand why we don't really like the anime as a whole.

Nyan Krunex

Also true, we had to sit through some not so hype eps in OG Naruto just for character development purposes too, I guess when it goes to the Shippuden like timeline when Boruto becomes a teenager/young adult, then it will be all out hype hype hype that people usually love

Nyan Krunex

Ooof..I do sympathize with you for sitting through the slower episodes, cause a couple of arcs were slowed down a bit, just so the weekly anime doesn't catch up with the monthly manga, I myself had to sit through many a Naruto Shippuden fillers back in the days when it was airing, although I watched Boruto when it had lots of eps already and never started with the movie, but at the end of the day, there are a lot of hype eps and also not so hype but good eps that I am stoked for them to watch even IN between 67-120


Stop being a dork. You act like there wasn’t a shit ton of trash in Naruto and Shippuden Lmao shut up. Watch the episode and bounce like every other hater


People act like Tenchi Bridge didn’t exist plus the shit ton of filler we had to watch weekly that didn’t connect to the story at all


Lol you're arguing against a point I never even made you retard. Bring some rational and critical thinking next time you reply.


I wonder is they realize it’s Sasuke’s headband Baruto was wearing when he fights Kawaki

Nyan Krunex

I mean you did kinda flame the series cause of its slower fillery eps, while Naruto franchise has always been this way with mass fillers and most of them bad, but I do get the point, I genuinely enjoyed MANY of the mangaless eps here in Boruto tho and some in Naruto, but wtvr lol


Flaming the slow filler in Boruto has nothing to do with Shippuden, it has everything to do with me flaming Boruto filler which is almost 60 episodes worth from 66 to 120. Zeeman is having imaginary arguments lol


Dude, you're wrong. Between episodes 66 and 120, there are only 13 filler episodes. Boruto has manga canon and anime canon, which together form the full canon. The proof of this is that in the manga's Ao Arc, Boruto mentions the events of the school trip to the Mist, which appeared only in the anime. The Academy saga, the school trip saga, the Mitsuki saga, the Juugo saga, the Mirai Saga and some small arcs, such as Sasuke's and Sarada day off, are all canon. Whether they are good or not is another story, and it depends on personal taste. But they are definitely canon.


If an arc is unbelievably boring and super slow, we naturally call it filler. I am aware that most of it is canon, you don't need to tell me lol


There’s no point being rational with an idiot. You have no actual talking point. WaAh tHiS aInT mAngA


"How are people still sleeping on Boruto" Haha wait until this arc is over.... big zzzzzzz


The only thing that you would be able to 100% say for sure is Sasuke's from that scene is the sword. The cloak and headband could have literally been any other cloak n headband from what we saw. I'm just sayin, reasonable doubt and all


Well, OG Naruto had sleepy episodes too but nobody had anything to compare then. People just keep comparing Boruto to Shippuden now which is unfair so I don't think having slow episodes is a valid argument to say that Boruto is bad.


I thought the arc where boruto fighting the fish hook guy was pretty good but besides that.. i think we are all pretty much just waiting for the time skip lol 😆

G Sama

U need to double upload BORUTO for (64-65)


The arc was fine but the end took alot of leaps in logic


Can’t wait for the next 2 episodes


I say why not watch the mitsuki arc it actually shows some stuff about artificial humans which plays a HUGE role in the boruto series


just so u know, mirai is 15 not 18


I still think Naruto's head was just a bit bigger 😂😥