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boruto 61 pat



Lmao everyone saying 3 episodes tm I don’t blame them 🤣 but he’s doing one episode each w/ hunter hunter every day


This episode gets me in my feelings a lil but like when Boruto reacts out for naruto I’m like you’ll get there soon my guy you a G in episode 1


It would be totally up to them but If they do next 3 together it would be awesome, it's basically how it's intended to watch since it's an excerpt from the movie. It would be 10X more effective :)


Ayeee you're going to want to do up to 65 altogether tbh it will be much more hype that way. Also, as for what you said at the end, you gotta think about the fact that Naruto & Sasuke had a full 15 years give or take to train more and research and prepare for more Otsusuki threats. All ima say :P


yea but 65 is the big one so theyd have to do more than 3 but i would be so down for an extra long special reaction


Lets get an hour long special for the next two episodes lol if you guys are up to it


Could be wrong but has Sasuke ever used Shiden? Thought that was just Kakashi.

Sage Sensei

Who bringing the tissues next episode?


Mitski: doesnt use sage mode in fear of people finding out. Also Mitski: uses Sage mode to fight Shino


Yo, Naruto, literally Ended that mans whole career

Nyan Krunex

Nope, Shiden is the alternative version of Chidori that Kakashi uses, Sasuke uses Chidori, to put into perspective, Chidori is basically super fast requiring something like a Sharingan for perfection, and Shiden is the stronger but slower one, but both are originally Kakashi's moves, in the last episode Sasuke shows Kakashi's Chidori to Boruto, this episode Boruto uses Kakashi's Shiden lol