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So I made a community post because I'm not uploading on youtube, but that goes the same on here for today! I am really sorry because I do appreciate every single one of y'all, but I can't keep this schedule up. 

(I'll go more in depth here than youtube :)) Even before my sister came (story from last post), my schedule was me staying up until 5-9am and sleeping until 4-6pm, which was interrupting my circadian rhythm, resulting in me being unhappy/moody, which is usually never who I am.

I've been trying to fix my schedule, but the problem is the second I wake up I have to start editing/uploading for youtube and patreon (which usually takes hours) then record for Chinq and I, and by that time it's already late at night, and I just fall into a depression.

I thought I'd go into more depth at why I am taking a gap day, because I really don't want to, but I think if I take this day I will have more energy, and be able to get youtube and patreon done the day before, resulting in early uploads EVERYDAY, not just sporadically.

I know it's going to suck for today, BUT when this is also going to give me more energy to edit and record more, which means getting even farther ahead for patreon! 

Again, I apologize, but I think this is the best course of action I can take right now :(



k hopefully it is for the better


All about mental health , maybe you should change the times you do things so you aren’t staying up until 5-9 then sleeping till 6.... maybe you should swap them ? Which would give you normal work hours. Also having trouble understanding how it is taking you “hours” to edit a 20 minute video (the actual length of each episode) and then also to upload that video. You got a computer from1999? If it’s actually taking you that long you gotta switch things up because it should not be taking you hours to edit and upload a 20 min video. In reality you just cutting things out and enlarging lil Chinq every once in awhile. Take all the time you need tho health is more important , just saying if it’s taking you hours you should prob change how you are doing it because that’s just inefficient.