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Boruto episode 20 is rendering right now! :)


hxh 20 pat



ATTENTION Heisuten do not watch the next ops till episode 42, then the next one at ep 70, then 91, and finally 141, heed my warnings.


Yo where’s death note reactions


We will get into what Illumi did to Killua within the next few episodes. It basically has to do with the way powers work in the show, which will also be explained.


One of my favorite characters arrived illumi zoldyc


They be thinking hella hard 😂 this man even commented on how illumi use to have “normal eyebrows “ lmaooo


Yea once they explain the power system it’ll be easier to understand , idk why they take so long to get into that info tho

Carson elliott

Gon has a basic idea of what ging looks like he has a picture of him when he was younger not 12.


All of these theories already, your brains will explode soon lol.




Lol people usually glance over this but Gon had no issue using others as bait as long as they weren’t his friends. Not so pure hearted.


That kid used to live in an island where the most interesting thing that could happen was someone catching a big fish, and yet during the first phase of the exam, he showed zero reaction to the deaths of multiple people around, and I mean absolutely ZERO, not even a blink. That kid is a sociopath I tell you.

Alan moreno

Gon’s literally pure hearted af. It’s even mentioned, he’s so pure hearted and inoccent to a fault, that it makes him naive and easily influenced by things, be it right or wrong. No one is born being good/bad, it is taught