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boruto 19 pat



Nah bro it’s one of Sasuke Rinnegan abilities. Bruh Adult Sasuke is saucy af especially in the manga! 🔥🔥🔥


Did these two watch boruto the movie? If so and they don’t put two and two together on why sasuke isn’t around makes me even more annoyed


The anime version is much better but this reaction kind of tilted me, Sarada never mentioned her curiosity of her parents to cho cho so how can they be upset she isn’t considerate of those feelings, but at the same time it makes partial sense because it is not confirmed to them that sasuke has been on the mission we all know about prior to the anime because they didn’t watch the movie.


If you’ve seen the movie and understand the time skip in boruto the movie then you can put two and two together on why sasuke is gone but because they didn’t I’ll accept they don’t know why haha

Omaha Sa'u

Man their assumptions make me cringe sometimes but I get it lol they haven't seen the movie and they really do think too much but doesn't mean it's bad just saying but they have awesome reactions otherwise and cant wait till they get the proper answers to their assumptions when it comes! 🔥🔥🔥 I reckon they should watch the movie so they can see the difference and add ons like they did with the little ova they watched and enjoyed

Omaha Sa'u

Keep it up tho guys!! Awesome every reactors are different and unique!

Omaha Sa'u

All reactors*


that's just not how u get the rinnegan

Nyan Krunex

Here's the thing..I suggest, they indeed do watch the movie fight Only, but after they are done with the anime's version of it, the anime has a build up to that where as the movie doesn't


Yeah keep it up! Can’t wait for you guys to watch a certain episode. But, that’s 46 episodes from now lol! So it’ll be awhile haha


Pretty sure its partially correct tho. Isnt it you need to have EMS in both eyes and some Senju dna? And then youd awaken rinnegan


@mob12 you need the DNA of both Indra and Ashara


The movie, is ultimately just a spoiler for the anime and the manga, regardless of what important plot points YOU think they should know about.

Redding Tier

It is Shippuden's fault for confusing viewers. They gave two different explanations for how to get the Rinnegan. The first explanation was just combining Uchiha and Senju powers. The second explanation made it seem more a like it's a combination of Ashura and Indra chakras.