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Definitely use the Boruto list that has anime canon in it. If you follow strictly manga you basically have 0 character development outside of a few characters. Like yeah i totally understand about some of the episodes being complete filler but the manga continuity list is ridiculous. Think of the anime more like taking the scenic route and giving more characters more development and introducing new things that might play a big role in just the anime. But i strongly believe you and Lil Chinq will like the vast majority of it. So yeah no beuno to the manga continuity filler list. Use the one with anime canon eps


^ Yeah please stay away from toxic people talking about Boruto fillers and stuff. If anything, almost all episodes before episode 65 are actually from Boruto novels, and people don't realize that. The toxic people saying "ooo Boruto is filler trash" aren't even real fans who follow Kishimoto and his team's work. Technically, the novels are "filler" to the manga, but they're canon to the characters. It's like the Kakashi backstory, where it was not in the manga but is a novel that is canon. I came to Pateron to support you guys cuz you guys really enjoy Naruto and to protecc you guys from toxic people talking trash about Boruto! Also, maybe watch the Boruto movie after episode 65 because the movie is basically a spoiler. Happy watching!

G Sama

When are the next episodes coming out I need them.


you know i wish boruto was worth watching but unless its changed in a major way compared to when it started out. then its just like watching naruto fillers without an end in sight. all for supporting someones work if its interesting. and from what ive seen of boruto, it just isnt.


I don't disagree with you. The tone of the anime before the manga stuff is just not the same. Watching or not watching it because the quality wasn't a concern to me because it's only 20 minutes a week and doesn't take a big chunk of my leisure time. My biggest concern is for people who are only starting to watch Boruto like these guys. No offense intended but these guys deserve to watch what they want. I see toxic people saying they should watch only the "canon" episodes as if it was the end of the world to watch the rest of the episodes.


Naruto easily wins this fight considering everything that happened before it. Full powered Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto still wins.


all these people saying don’t watch Boruto and shit cause of the pacing or how it’s filler. tbh i actually like to see character development beyond the manga because i actually read it. yea the manga is LIT as fuck but the boruto anime is also REALLY good too. y’all just compare shit to naruto so much. it’s obviously gonna be different. just like how og is different than shippuden.


You should watch all of it. Yea, a lot of Boruto feels like filler. But even some of these "fillers" have some wholesome or minor story relevant moments in the naruto universe, for example the character interactions between old and new generation and stuff.


Boruto to me is like when your favorite band changes their sound and everyone says it's garbage but they're really actually still good, but just not as good as they used to be.


That wasn't Limbo (Madara's exclusive ability). It was Banshò Ten'in which is the opposite of shinra tensei and allows you to attract people and objects.


Also, I watched a few Boruto arcs and they can be interesting. But I won't spoil anything. I'll wait until you're done with Naruto first because who people end up with and make babies with is really important in the beginning.


One of my favorite little details i didn't notice at first during the hand to hand combat scenes is how Naruto attempts to do the shadow clone handsign but Sasuke keeps interrupting it (look really closely cuz it happens fast). It just shows how well Sasuke know's Naruto's fighting style and knows what to do to counter it.