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F for the boi


naruto 472 pat


Sage Sensei

Sad ninja moments....


Only one episode today? Or are you posting the other one later?


I love his content don't get me wrong, and yes, this alone is reaction worthy, but to me the whole point of patreon is to have some kinds of bonus. I think patreon shouldn't have only one episode, unless it's for other reasons of course, than it's fine, but I think his patreon really lacks perks compared to other reactions channels. I still pledge because I want to support him, but in all honesty I don't think it's completely worth it since others post full reaction with clear sound and image on vimeo.


Nvm it turns out he was dedicating this ep for obitos death and thats okay he'll probably continue to post double ep reactions later on, he almost always posts double episodes so its okay if he posts one today only. Rip obito


I'm laughing at shady kid that's illegal you get the benefit of early reactions my g you don't want em just watch on youtube stop complaining about cuts sorry that some people like to follow the law ;)


I think you're the kid here, especially with that picture, and if you're not you probably live in your parent's basement. If it's so illegal why bigger reactions channels (not to discredit him) always do it with no problem. And this is you third time replying to me and nobody likes your shit, they just ignore you lil ass "kid"


I appreciate the support! While I do agree I could be doing more for the patreon, that doesn't apply here. Patreon gets early YouTube videos, so YouTube will get this one ep too. Unedited reactions are completely illegal which is why ishinobi doesn't do them anymore and why Suzy Lu's patreon got taken down. Just because they haven't been caught doesn't make it legal ;). If y'all have any suggestions for what I can add to the patreon, let me know ! And please try not to fight :)


Okay don't pay no mind to the entire message, just focus on one smalle line. And I was that pressed because this kid always replies to me thinking that he's somebody ahahah


clearly the person crying over the law must not know hahahahahah your point is so fucking retarded big reaction channels do this an are breaking the law just because someone else does it does not make it right u fucking kiddo and im gonna keep calling u one until you get a fucking brain


I'm referring to Braden since heisuten's message didn't load in time, appreciate the reply anyway 💪🏾, it's just that annoying kid


So you agree to the other points since you are only replying to this matter right kiddo?


No thank YOU heisuten for all the reactions you have been giving us! You deserve all the support!


list the points this is a mess of a thread


Oh so you are kid, I thought at least you could read, but I was expecting too much it seems like


You just saw full reaction and went crazy on the keyboard


imagine editing your message look at yourself you felt stupid when people flamed u?? hahahahah


Editing? What you're talking about? You're honestly delusional, have fun with your waifu pillow that it probably stands on its own now


It clearly written when a comment it's edited or not. But nice try


funny how i just edited a comment and there is no sign of it hahahaha


Well ok I thought there was, but still, I didn't edit shit, so now shut the fuck up, take the L, accept that you delusional because I ain't giving you no more attention. Btw the others who liked the comment can testify that it's not edited


You don't even know what to argue anymore, goodbye kiddo


Can't wait for the next 2 Episodes ;_;


One of the reasons I love Kakashi is even though he's been through so much pain and loss in his life, and even lost his way at some points, he always remained loyal to the Leaf. If you look at all he's done through his life from becoming a Jonin at a young age, to doing the leaf's dirty work as an ANBU, and carrying out so many other important missions/duties without complaint, he's a true embodiment of what it means to be a Shinobi

Bryan Cartagena

Lil chinq definitely has to be here for the next couple of reactions. If we gotta wait an extra day, f’ it.


Honestly, I first saw Obito's death when the manga came out week to week (which was an agonizing way to consume Naruto because of all the cliff hangers). Reading the manga, I definitely didn't get emotional with Obito's death. All I could remember is all the evil that he did. He did repent in the end, but the world wouldn't be in the state that is was if he didn't do so many bad things.