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Today's Naruto Reaction will be up today, just a lot later than usual because I have to drive home from Lil Chinq's due to the surrounding situations in the world right now D: It will be up tonight though!



tale ya time g. Just be safe fr. i stay in LA & it’s wild over here so i can imagine how it is wherever you guys are


Yeah.. it's pretty crazy everywhere. There's a post from a facebook groupchat of people saying they're going to camp out in "white neighborhoods" near houston (which is near us) and assassinate white families, and over 100 people have agreed to it. Not sure if they're going to actually do it or if it's all just talk, but that's kinda insane, i'd rather be safe than sorry :/ EDIT: Heard it was black lives matter groupchat, but the screen shot just says a group near Houston!


wtf thats insane. yea fr yall be safe. Lil Chinq too


Yeah man stay safe. Hope all goes well

Nikki Pierre

I'm sorry to hear that those kinds of threats are being made, but it's highly unlikely and does not represent black lives matter as a movement. Stay safe!

Liam D

Stay safe!


Yeah man, there's riots over at a Walmart close to me because of everything that happened. Not sure how destroying and looting a Walmart is going to help any cause. 🥱


Can we get a status? You good man? Stay safe


He's fine. No one gonna fuck with someone that swole 😀


As a black man, I condemn those sorts of threats, real or fake. Please know that they are not the majority. It’s not white vs. black but racists vs everyone else. I hope you stay safe.


I COMPLETELY AGREE! Everyone versus racists, dude. I know they aren't the majority, but hearing that made me want to get out of the area simply because of those few corrupt people (and I miss my dog, Hydro). I just want everyone to work together to get justice for those done wrong, and make sure something like this never happens again