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Sorry for the abrupt ending! It was an editing fail lmao. But this is a one episoder because the next couple are Kaguya's backstory which flow better!


naruto 459


Darren Metts

2:10 lil chinq: “that my food I rike dog “ 🤣🤣🤣

Darren Metts

Dude she clearly has something different than a regular SHARINGAN it’s clearly a SHARINGAN and a RINNEGAN mixed she has both


When he turned to kaguya, his Dick didn't turns to vigina,, I'm pretty sure of that 100%

Darren Metts

Aye he realized the dope kaguya music out of knowhere xd yea that soundtrack is awesome perfect for final boss

Darren Metts

I love how he’s confused even tho black ZETSU basically told MADARA that all history he ever read was a lie made up by him meaning that most of the stuff MADARA said about the past of kaguya isn’t the exact story lol dude relax


Giant ass monsters. people literally spit fire and summon water. but the kunai supporting 2 people is what isnt realistic! :D


Kaguya has a rinne-sharingan which is how she does that other-dimentional stuff and creeps behind them


Was waiting for this one to binge ittachis story before this but ones removed anyway to watch it

Sam Morelos D

imagine that the Akatski is manipulated by pain who is manipulated by Obito who is manipulated by Madara Who is manipulated by Zetsu who is manipulated by Kaguya .... geez


I remember being exited whenever naruto use to say that through hard work he will become hokage..only now you realize he was born to be hokage because of his bloodline and all the talk about struggling to achieve is a lie. Every hokage exept the fourth are all decendants of the first hokage. The wararc ruined so much of what has been the core of the show...Naruto is a reincarnation of their world God's son aka Jesus.


the end of naruto shippuden is basically this : "Madara : MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOU ALL!" " Obito: No MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOU" "Madara : Hell NO MY DICK IS BIGGER!" "Might Guy: Hey look evryone! with hard work like mine, you can pump your dick with honor, bravery and respect! even if i fall here, i show to evryone even the losers can take their life in the good path, control your destiny! " "Naruto: Hell no you will not die like a real hero, look, i am jesus now, ho, and remember from the beginning i was saying "nothing can tell you what you can or cannot do?! you control your destiny!" well, i was jocking, evrything was written , so.... sorry kid,...Ho that right, MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOU ALL" "Sasuke: HEY DONT FORGET ABOUT MY DICK TOO" "Black Zetsu : Look like I AM BIGGER NOW" Kaguya entering the ring:" HELL NO" -The End.

No Consequence

Except if Naruto hadn't put in any work he would have died and Kaguya would have won. He still got to where he was because he put in the work, because if he hadn't he would still just be as that annoying fox kid with no parents.


yea Naruto had it all from the beginning. Didn't have to train hard or avenge his master or anything like that. Totally man!


Sandaime and Rokudaime aren't descendents of Shodai. What are you saying?