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Let's gooo


Animes tend to spoil anime openings because their primary audience is Japan, and major moments like Obitos 10 tail form was already major news that had already happened in the manga so its not much of a surprise to any there. Unfortunately they didnt really care about western audiences back then but it seems things are starting to change at least.


Quick note! I believe the black balls that obito has are called truthseeker orbs


I, madara declared you the strongest


Are going to watch the filers episode or are u going to skip them😊


Bruh its honestly the FUNNIEST SHIT whenever you say something really obvious and you make your head SUPER BIG lmaoooo


& Honestly Heisuten ur completely right about Minato. THAT'S why hes my favorite character. No sharingan, No senju blood, No Kekkei Genkai, just a BAD ASS shinobi. He mastered a forbidden jutsu that only 1 other person has, and made it his SHIT. Dude created one of the most powerful close combat justu IN THE SERIES. (like the rasengan literally carries naruto throughout the show. lmao) IMO there is no one close to as talented as Minato in this series. He is THE GOAT.


Well, i really like minato, but for me, i would liked at those time of the anime like, i don't know, i would love to see sakumo hatake, after all, it's like the only shinobi you can hear in the shinobi legend he was like at the same level from minato, he just choose to kill himself.. that really twist my mind they didnt show just a little more, he didnt have sharingan, anything, like minato, and it's look like nobody remember him, really sad.. :/ okay he didnt have the "luck" to take half of the power from the nine tail, but if he was just alive at this time.. maybe all the story would be different. haa.. Sakumo... i would love to see him in action, just in a flash back..