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So, some protein powders want to see just my face and a timer for the anime. If I did do this, I would still have the normal style of editing, but I wanted to get an idea of how many people would like to see it :)



are you talking about a timer where we sync the anime ourselves? or a timer like how “ the normies” channel upload their reactions?


I'm perfectly happy with the edited reactions as they've been lately. I won't watch them, but if you wanna put out full reactions with sync timers as well as the edited reactions then go go for it bruv, more power to ya.


i mean it’s easier for you in editing and it would let us see the full reaction but some people probably can’t pull up two different screens at the same time or have that luxury. if it isn’t too much more work for you then uploading both versions would be best. but, don’t pile too much onto you


nooo timer, keep it up as u got it now 10/10


Yeah i dont have the money, Space or knowledge to use 2 Pc Monitors simultaniusly. The only way then would either use the Pc for One Thing and my Handy or making the reaction and the episode at One screen but with small Windows. I tested it both and it wasnt a very Good experience^^


Watch bleach you will love it and also skip fillers


bleach!? how about something classic fun and short like FLCL six episodes its a no brainer, no matter what you do though god bless


No way keep it how it is


Definitely don't watch bleach lmao. Braindead normie shit

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

I like the edited ones better, because i've already seen all the episodes more than once, and the edited version takes the best of each episodes and leaves the boring parts out. It's all the hype without the dialogue i've seen a 100 times.


It d be nice so i can watch you react to it fully and put the anime at the side so i can see the full HD non transparent version !


I usually watch on my phone so I would be impossible for me so sync the anime with the reaction


Or you can just put 2 and 2 together like you did instead of me holding your hand every time I stste an opinion

Michael Wilson

Might be able to see if your internet browser supports Picture in Picture (PiP). Pretty sure most do for at least Youtube. What it will do is pop out the video player on a site and let you freely move it around. Between tabs, desktop, or other fullscreen videos.


Edited Version, to many people would have a harder time syncing it compared to the ones that actually want to